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DEFINITIONS What do we mean? Business reorganisation.

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Presentation on theme: "DEFINITIONS What do we mean? Business reorganisation."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESF Supporting anticipation & management of economic changes & restructuring

2 DEFINITIONS What do we mean? Business reorganisation.
Drivers: Trade liberalisation, innovation, regulatory changes, changes in consumer demands, competitive pressure, profitability, internal causes Actors: Management, workers, workers representatives, social partners, public authorities (local, regional, national, European, international) Forms: Reorganisation, closure, merger & acquisition, downsizing, externalisation, offshoring, delocalisation

3 Delocation and Offshoring together +/- 4% But a huge impact
on the population (media) “A tree which falls makes more noise than a forest which pushes” Number of jobs For 2006, the figures concern only the first 9 months Source EMCC

Not a new phenomenon Inevitable phenomenon The costs and benefits are unevenly spread (timing, territories and categories of workers). We must facilitate these processes It is vital for enterprises to adapt to changes & for the workers to develop new competences It is a guarantee of future growth.

5 Total employment +6.5 millions of jobs
Employment change in top 10 growing and declining sectors in EU15, 2000–2005 (thousands) Total employment +6.5 millions of jobs EMCC

6 Total employment + 0.370 million of jobs
Employment change in top 10 growing and declining sectors in NMS10, 2000–2005 (thousands) Total employment million of jobs EMCC

Often costs can be very high for workers but also for the local economy Example: Rover in UK 70% and for the workers having found a new job 50% with a wage reduction (but 25% a increase) Impact on suppliers (SMEs) Impact on the local economy + STRESS

Risks of unemployment Possible wage reduction Necessity to change Lack of alternatives possibilities Risk aversion Fight against restructuring

2 trends: necessity to change and threat about change To reduce the social costs, to promote the search for alternative sources of jobs and income and to preserve the social cohesion

10 The main message is to develop:
ANTICIPATION PREVENTION ACCOMPANYING MEASURES = Responsible restructuring Where the regional level is essential and the partnership

11 Anticipation Drivers, impacts, scenarios, policies
Anticipate restructuring causes Anticipate restructuring processes Anticipate restructuring consequences The best level is a mix of European, national, regional and sectoral Dialogue (social partners and public authorities), studies, observatories,… Necessary but not sufficient condition. Drivers, impacts, scenarios, policies (EMCC, CCMI, EMPL, ENTR, CEDEFOP,...)

12 Prevention Prevention must be permanent
SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) at regional level. There is a need for strategic planning Economic development (state aids, industrial policy, infrastructure,…) Training – which skills for the future ? Cooperation between all stakeholders To begin when the situation is good Also a mix of levels but where the regional level is the key factor Prevention must be permanent

13 Accompanying measures To manage and mitigate
Level/ Objective Early stages Late stages Prevent Manage Mitigate Economy/ Region Framework conditions Macroeconomic policy Structural policy Regional development Regulation, intervention Business regulation Labour market regulation Collective agreements Active and passive labour market measures Sector/ Industry Sector-oriented structural policy Sector dialogue Sector agreements Sector-based interventions Enterprise/ Corporation Corporate development Externally/internally oriented development Dialogue and agreements Enterprise dialogue Enterprise agreements

14 Legal Background Communication on restructuring & employment- Anticipating & accompanying restructuring in order to develop employment: the role of the EU Employment guidelines from 2005: guidelines 21 Regulation on the Structural Funds Community Strategic Guidelines for Cohesion European Social Fund Regulation

15 Approach to programming for the ESF
Art 3.1.a: actions related to adaptability of workers in line with economic changes Art 3.1.b & Art 3.1.c: action for disadvantaged groups with training & support services Art 3.1.d: modernisation of training & education systems with a view to their responsiveness to labour market needs

16 Experience to date The support has concentrated on: Support to system
Support to company & sector restructuring Support to individuals

17 Support to system Enhance labour market performance & anticipation of changes Creation of observatories of skills and jobs Creation of National Employment observatories Development/Creation of Regional and local labour market observatories Tools & techniques Development of forecasting methods & systems, benchmarking & indicators, stakeholder consultation mechanisms Exchange of good practice / Network

18 Support to company & sector restructuring
Support mechanism & tools: Development of anticipation & alert systems & contingency plans in companies Development of sectoral networks Assistance to the sectoral level Strengthening the role of business association, business support organisations & networks Develop consulting services for SMEs Complementary actions implemented under the human capital priority: Fostering enterpreneurship and business strategies Capacity of enterprises to manage change in a positive way Fostering enterpreneurial mindsets through education & learning

19 Support to individuals
Training: Competence report & personal plan of professional guidance Career development & individual guidance Identify training priorities & delivering tailored training Outplacement and mobility Provision of outplacement services by specialised units Fostering geographic mobility

20 3 others elements ERDF European Globalisation Adjustment Fund
Article 51 Contingency reserve (1% or 3%) ERDF European Globalisation Adjustment Fund

21 Accompanying measures
ESF Anticipation Prevention Accompanying measures ERDF Art 51 EGF

22 INDUSTRIAL POLICY (follow-up Communication October 2005“Implementing the Community Lisbon Programme: A policy framework to strengthen EU manufacturing - towards amore integrated approach for industrial policy”)

GROWTH AND EMPLOYMENT - LISBON STRATEGY Macroeconomic stability REGIONAL EUROPEAN FUND - ERDF More or less the same rules than for the ESF but to support infrastructures and economic development. We can also add the possible support of the European Investment Bank. INNOVATION POLICY Technological platforms, clusters, 7th framework programme COMPETITION POLICY State Aids Reform Merger Regulation TRADE POLICY Impact evaluation within multilateral (Doha) and bilateral negotiations, Communication on the external dimensions of competitiveness, intellectual property rights, combating counterfeiting, symmetry principle EDUCATION POLICY European Qualifications Framework

24 European Social Dialogue
Orientations for reference in managing change and its social consequences 16/10/03 Part of their work programme Explaining and giving the reasons to change Good time, climate of confidence, involvement of managers, continuous quality communication and open mind 2. Developing employability Importance of maintaining and developing workers’ competences and prepare the evolution of jobs 3. Territorial dimension Complementarities and synergies between the various actors and role played by EU structural Funds and territorial infrastructures 4. Specific situation of SMEs Possible dependence on a large customer, regions dominated by a single activity and willingness of workers to take part in the collective efforts 5. Managing restructuring Explore all possible alternatives to dismissals, time is an important factor, positive attitude and climate of confidence


26 For a responsible restructuring
Start-up units Placement Agencies Subcontracted workers Flexible work arrangements Mobility Policies Maintain employability

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