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The Big Bang Theory There was a large explosion in the center of the universe. All the matter in the universe came from this explosion.

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Presentation on theme: "The Big Bang Theory There was a large explosion in the center of the universe. All the matter in the universe came from this explosion."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Big Bang Theory There was a large explosion in the center of the universe. All the matter in the universe came from this explosion.

3 Step One Clouds of gas and dust moved outward from the explosion

4 What next? The clouds began to condense toward their center.

5 Step Two The gas and dust turned into rocks and boulders.

6 What next? Collisions between the rocks occur, forming larger and larger objects

7 Planets clear their orbits

8 What is the evidence Universe is expanding (galaxies are moving away from each other). Left over radiation.

9 Planets orbit a star.

10 Spiral Galaxy


12 Elliptical Galaxy

13 Irregular Galaxy


15 Ptolemy The earth was the center of everything.
Geocentric model of the solar system puts the earth in the center. The church supported this model. Why would this model make sense?

16 Geocentric Model puts the Earth in the middle

17 The sun seems to revolve around the earth.
The stars seem to move around the earth.

18 Copernicus The sun is the center of the solar system.
Heolocentric model. Copernicus was persecuted by the church What did he see?

19 Heliocentric Model put the sun in the center of the solar system

20 Copernicus saw the planets (stars that did not move like the others).

21 Kepler came up with three laws of planetary motion
Elliptical orbits Equal area law The planets change speed P2 = D3 The time it takes the planet to orbit the sun once can be used to calculate the distance from the sun.


23 The Sun Closest star Middle aged Medium size
Fusion happens here (two small atoms become one bigger atom) It’s approximately 93 million miles away from Earth It takes light 8 minutes to reach Earth

24 Inner Planets Terrestrial planets Rock, earth, like planets (dense)
Small Close to the sun and each other



27 Mercury Terrestrial Planet
1 year is 88 earth days, 1 Mercury day is 59 Earth days. There is no atmosphere on this moon sized planet The daytime temperature is 700°C with -175 °C at night This is the fastest orbiting planet



30 Venus Retrograde rotation (rotates the opposite way compared to the other planets). Massive greenhouse effect causes the surface temp to be 900 degrees Celsius. Morning and evening star (depending which side of the sun the planet is on)


32 Earth The only planet with an abundance of water
Magnetic and gravitational field allow our atmosphere to exist.



35 Mars Last of the terrestrial planets
The tilt of the axis is like Earth’s giving Mars similar seasons. Largest volcano in the solar system, Olympus Mons, is found here. “The red planet” covered with iron oxide



38 Asteroid Belt Could be a failed planet
Evidence of the big bang theory?

39 Outer Planets Gas giants Not dense (would float in water on earth)
Large Far from each other and the sun



42 Jupiter Jupiter is has the mass of all the planets combined x 2.5
It has a rocky core 2x the size of Earth The planet is thought to be a failed star There are 63 moons around Jupiter The day on Jupiter is 9.6 hours long


44 Saturn Famous for its rings
30 Earth years to revolve around the sun once. Saturn has 19 moons Saturn has a density of 0.9 g/ml. It would float in water The rings are made of ice crystals


46 Uranus This planet is tipped on its side (it rotates on its side)
Some scientists think it was struck by an Earth size object.


48 Neptune Last of the real gas planets Neptune is made up of methane gas
It has many moons and a large dark spot on the surface There are pockets of light clouds that move in the atmosphere


50 Pluto Pluto has a moon named Charon
Has a strange orbit, some think it’s a captured comet. Pluto is no longer considered a planet because it has not cleared its orbit.



53 Kuiper Belt (Quaoar)

54 Kuiper Belt A belt of planet sized objects beyond Neptune's orbit.
Scientists think these objects could be the remains of the planet forming material. Horizons is the name of the unmanned probe headed for Pluto. It should reach Pluto in 2015, and then travel further into the Kuiper belt.

55 New Horizon’s Unmanned mission to the outer reaches of the solar system, should reach Pluto in Has already flown by Jupiter.



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