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Music Making: Jam Session III

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1 Music Making: Jam Session III
Community and Recreational Music Making: Jam Session III How to Start and Run an In-Store Jam Session Friday, July 13th, 2012 3:30 p.m.– 4:15 p.m.

2 Presented by: Amy Ball-Braswell Capo’s Music Store

3 A brief history of Capo’s Music and why we started a Jam Session
Capo’s opened in December 2009. Started the weekly Jam in February of 2010.

4 How did we get started? We live in a music centered area
Recruiting from other jams Giving people a reason to come and play Door Prizes Refreshments Family environment All levels welcome

5 Challenges we faced getting it started
Getting people to come pick Getting the word out Patience

6 General logistics of how the jam works: How we handle the issues that arise, who picks the music, what instruments, how do you handle multi-level players, etc. All acoustics Set rules (Jam etiquette sheet) Multi-level players Listeners welcome Dealing with problem pickers

7 How do we promote the Jam and get the word out about programs
Advertising/Promotion Local ads in weekly papers that center on music, Facebook, Twitter, blasts, listing on our website, cross promotion with other entities in town Other ways Word of mouth

8 Challenges of program longevity
Keeping interest and attendance up Staffing Competition from other activities

9 The benefits of having a weekly Jam and other recreation music programs in the store
Building community Education Good PR

10 Q&A

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