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Scottish Funding Council Sustainability policy

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1 Scottish Funding Council Sustainability policy
EAUC Conference 18 April 2007 Riona Bell Director of Funding

2 Scotland’s strategy December 2005: “Choosing our Future”
Learning a major strand August 2006: “Learning for our Future” 5-year action plan Aims to make SD core to education system

3 SFC actions: Learning & Teaching
Encourage generic trans-disciplinary approaches Higher Education Academy Conference June 2007 Work with SQA re curriculum Design Scottish Further Education Unit Research into career choices SFC On Track Survey

4 SFC actions: Research Consider ways of improving links between learning and sustainability and environment-related research capacity Investing in new university research centres for carbon storage and environmental sustainability Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society

5 SFC actions: Estates SFC’s SD guidance to be embedded in estate strategy guidance New estate strategy guidance about to be published SD guidance is under review Provide a ‘one stop shop’ with EAUC-S CaSPr Monitor progress of SD elements in projects Evaluation of three pathfinder projects Guidance on high performance buildings Review estate management data

6 ECOSpace @ Lauder College

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