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Professional Writing Introduction.

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1 Professional Writing Introduction

2 Getting started When you think of ‘Professional Writing’ what topics to your mind?

3 What is professional writing
Professional writing is any form of written communication produced in a workplace environment or context.  The workplace environment for us is jobs in the language education field The context is South Korea but other contexts may be used depending on your situation.

4 Think about it What are some common things that people in this field have to write in English? Discuss with your groupmates and make a list of as many things as you can think of.

5 What does it involve? Professional writing involves the use of comprehensible language to convey information in a way that is easily understood by its intended audience. Professional writing has many different forms. It can include anything from writing materials for class, to writing an proposal for a workshop.

6 Who are you? Professionally

7 Who are you/ who do you hope to be
Write a short paragraph describing who you are professionally. Describe the work you do or hope to do in this field (ELE) Example: My name is George E.K. Whitehead and I work as an Assistant Professor at IGSE. I teach various courses to MA students and also work as an editor and academic writer in my free time. In the future I hope to be a tenured professor at one of the top universities in the world in this field either in Korea or abroad.

8 Aims, Content, Schedule, Evaluation
Course overview Aims, Content, Schedule, Evaluation

9 aims The Professional Writing course aims to help learners develop practical writing skills for the English language teaching field. In this course, learners will participate in workshop style lessons where they will be guided through common writing tasks for English language educators.

10 By the end of this course you will have…
developed and refined various practical writing skills for English language educators. created a variety of useful materials for professions in this field.

11 Course Schedule Introduction to Professional Writing
Creating a Professional Website Finishing Websites Introduction to PPT Games and Activities Creating PPT Games and Activities Presenting PPT Game or Activity Introduction to Creating Comics & Storybooks Creating Comics & Storybooks Introduction to Writing Lesson Plans Writing Lesson Plans Introduction to Formal Presentations Creating a Presentation Proposal/ Poster Creating an Posters Poster Presentation Fair Finalizing Portfolio & Feedback *Resumes, CVs, Cover Letters

12 Expectations come to class with open, positive mind, ready to share and learn with others. actively participate in class discussions and activities. contribute ideas, efforts, and experiences to class/groups. show respect and contribute positively towards discussions, class atmosphere, peers, and instructor. submit assignments on time. professional conduct and communication with the course professor.

13 Plagiarism Students are expected to produce their own original writing and to make good faith efforts to avoid plagiarism at all costs. Penalties for plagiarism may range from a verbal warning to failure of the class depending on the nature of the infraction, its extent, and severity.

14 Grading Attendance 20 points
Participation, Professionalism, Excellence 20 points Class assignments points Final portfolio points

15 attendance If you are going to be late or absent please send me a message before class if possible. If you are going to be late or absent please send me a message before class if possible. *Attendance includes being here on time prepared for class. Arriving 5 minutes or more after the start of class will be marked as late. For each late mark you will receive a 1 point deduction in attendance Arriving 30 minutes or more after the start of class will be marked as absent. For each absence you will receive a 2 point deduction in attendance *Absences and lateness may be excused with a valid reason

16 Participation, Professionalism, Excellence
Participation includes all classroom tasks i.e. projects, performances, discussions etc., as well as attention, attitude. Professionalism is the way you conduct yourself in class and with your professor. 5 Excellence points are reserved and rewarded for exceptional effort. *If you receive no excellence points your maximum score in this area is 15/20 Always here on time for class Outstanding effort during class Helping others in class Outstanding classwork or homework Excellent attitude throughout the semester

17 Final portfolio Includes:
Website PPT Game/ Activity Comic Storybook Lesson Plan Presentation Proposal Poster The final portfolio is to contain all of the writing projects that are covered during the course. This portfolio will be posted on your website on a page titled “Final Portfolio”. Please send a link to your website in week 15 to Late submissions will receive reduced scores (-1 per day) unless special permission has been granted.

18 Additional Details and Information & Course Materials

19 Needs analysis Why are you taking this course?
What do you expect from this course? Are there any additional topics you would like included in this course? Are there any topics that are planned that you would rather not cover? Can you explain why?

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