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4-Corners: Compass 1 ICE BREAKER

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1 4-Corners: Compass 1 ICE BREAKER
(Facilitator's choice of activity, video, or anecdote to lighten the mood / lower the affective filter. It should have something to do with PBL and /or the workshop.) 1

2 Four Corners COMPASS Personal Style
NORTH – Just Get It Done Like to act, try things out, plunge in SOUTH – Consider Everyone’s Feelings Like to hear & honor all voices before acting EAST – Look at the Big Picture Like to speculate, consider possibilities before acting WEST – Pay attention to the details Like to know who, what , where, why before acting

3 Four Corners: Compass On your Chart as a group discuss and write on Stickies: 4 ASSETS of your style might you bring to a team 4 LIABILITIES/LIMITATION of your style might you bring to a team What are other things teammates need to know about you to make your work together more successful

4 Four Corners COMPASS Personal Style
NORTH – Just Get It Done Like to act, try things out, plunge in SOUTH – Consider Everyone’s Feelings Like to hear & honor all voices before acting EAST – Look at the Big Picture Like to speculate, consider possibilities before acting WEST – Pay attention to the details Like to know who, what , where, why before acting

5 Think about the Reading on Teams
How would this be helpful in planning your first PBL unit?

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