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What was the significance of George Washington’s presidency?

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1 What was the significance of George Washington’s presidency?

2 Elections of 1789 and 1792

3 As president, George Washington’s actions and policies strengthened the federal government.

4 For example: in 1794, Washington led an army into Pennsylvania to end a farmer’s rebellion against a whiskey tax passed by Congress. Whiskey Rebellion (1791–1794)

5 Washington set the tone for the first 100 years of U. S
Washington set the tone for the first 100 years of U.S. foreign policy by adopting a position of neutrality.

6 French Revolutionary War vs. Britain (1793)
In the 1790s, Washington responded to warring European nations by declaring the neutrality of the U.S. (in the Proclamation of Neutrality). French Revolutionary War vs. Britain (1793)

7 Washington’s Farewell Address (1796)
In Washington’s Farewell Address, he advised the U.S. to avoid permanent alliances with foreign countries and to practice neutrality. President George Washington (1789–1797) Washington’s Farewell Address (1796)

8 Washington was also the first president to create and consult with the Cabinet (presidential advisors). Washington’s first Cabinet (1789): Secretary of War Henry Knox, Sec. of Treasury Alexander Hamilton, Sec. of State Thomas Jefferson, and Attorney General Edmund Randolph

9 President Barack Obama’s Cabinet (2012) President George W. Bush’s
This is an example of the unwritten constitution (governmental practices, based on custom and tradition). President Barack Obama’s Cabinet (2012) President George W. Bush’s Farewell Address

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