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Carter and the Moral Impulse

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Presentation on theme: "Carter and the Moral Impulse"— Presentation transcript:

1 Carter and the Moral Impulse
I. SALT II. Human Rights and the Helsinki Process III. Carter IV. Panama Canal V. Camp David VI. China VII. Iran


3 Land Sea Air 650 455 U.S. 1,000 U.S.S.R. 140 1,600 740

4 Paul Nitze

5 Dick Cheney Don Rumsfeld

6 Ronald Reagan

7 George H.W. Bush

8 II. Human Rights and the Helsinki Process

9 Henry “Scoop” Jackson

10 Helsinki Conference, 1975 Basket I -- European borders were inviolable
-- non-interference in internal affairs Basket II -- cooperation on trade, technology -- increased cultural exchanges Basket III -- respect for human rights -- free exchange of ideas -- free movement of peoples

11 III. Jimmy Carter


13 Soviet or Soviet-sponsored direct or indirect aggression, 1975-1979
Angola (through Cuba), Ethiopia, South Yemen, 1978 North Yemen (supported by South), 1979 Afghanistan (local Communist coup), 1978 Cambodia (Vietnamese invasion), 1978 Afghanistan, 1979


15 Patricia Derian

16 Zbigniew Brzezinski

17 Zbigniew Brzezinski Cyrus Vance

18 IV. Panama Canal


20 Panama Canal Treaty, August 1977

21 V. Camp David


23 Camp David Talks, September 1978

24 Camp David Accords, September 18, 1978


26 VI. China

27 “Triangulation”

28 Deng Xiaoping – Jimmy Carter

29 VII. Iran

30 Shah Reza Pahlavi

31 Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini

32 January 16, 1979

33 November 4, 1979

34 Desert One


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