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Byzantine Empire.

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Presentation on theme: "Byzantine Empire."— Presentation transcript:

1 Byzantine Empire

2 Byzantine Empire Founded by Constantine Extension of Rome Justinian
Eastern Roman Empire Continues after Rome’s fall Christian Empire Greatest Empire of Dark Ages Justinian Emperor at height Wants to be Roman Married to Theodora Unpopular

3 Justinian Law Code Law code created by Justinian with 4 parts
The Code – 5,000 laws Roman laws still useful The Digest – summary of great political thinkers The Institutes – textbook for law students The Novellae – new laws Roman laws written down & preserved

4 Justinian’s Other Accomplishments
Hippodrome – free entertainment arena for chariot races & circus acts Could hold up to 60, ,000 532—Nika Rebellion Protesting taxes City is burned Rebuilds (with high taxes) Hagia Sophia – beautiful cathedral rebuilt by Justinian with great mosaics, lights, etc.





9 Byzantium v. Rome

10 Division in the Church Patriarch – leader of the Eastern church
People riot as a result of emperor’s iconoclasm--banning of icons (religious images to help in devotions) Pope excommunicates (kicked out of the church) Byzantine emperor

11 Division! 1054 – All this comes to a head as the church splits/divides (schism) Result of Pope & Patriarch excommunicating each other Result: Christianity is split into Eastern Orthodox & Western Roman Catholic

12 Crisis for Constantinople
Constantinople attacked (by other Christians) during 4th Crusade (1202–1204) Burned/Plundered city Never recovers 1453—Falls to Ottoman Turks City converted to Muslim city—ISTANBUL! Legacy: Extends Hellenistic Culture Extends Roman values

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