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The Arab-Israeli Conflict

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Presentation on theme: "The Arab-Israeli Conflict"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Arab-Israeli Conflict

2 Who What When Why? Who? - Palestinians and Israelis What?
-Struggle for the control of land in and around Israel When? -officially started with the United Nations partition and creation of Israel in 1948 Why? -both believe the land belongs to them based on history and religion


4 Important Terms/Events/People
Diaspora- the removal and dispersion of Jews from Israel by the Romans in 70AD Zionism- nationalist movement founded by Theodore Herzl for the creation of a homeland for Jews in Palestine (ancient kingdom of Israel Arab Nationalism- movement in the Arab community to have their own country/nation

5 British Help Create new Israeli Nation
McMahon Pledge- British promise to the Arabs for the creation of country if the Arabs help the British in WWI Balfour Declaration- British pledge to Zionists for a creation a Jewish state in Palestine

6 United Nations Partition and First Israeli Government
Partition Plan- 1947, United Nations plan to divide Palestine into 2 lands, 1 for Palestinians and 1 for Israelis David Ben Gurion- first President of the State of Israel in 1948 Law of Return- a Israeli law that allows any Jew living in the world Israeli citizenship


8 Wars 1948 War over creation-
5 Arab nations attack the newly formed country of Israel 6 Days War- 1967 war between Israel and surrounding Arab countries, Israel wins and takes control of occupied territories Occupied Territories- won by Israel in 6 Days War-Gaza Strip, Golan Heights and West Bank (Jerusalem)

9 War and Terrorist Attacks
Yom Kippur War- 1973, Arab nations attack Israel on holy holiday, they win early victories but Israel fights back and war ends with a cease fire Yasir Arafat- founder and president of Palestinian Liberation Organization, led terrorist attacks against Israel, but in 1990’s work for peace with Israel, won the Nobel Peace Prize and died in 2004


11 Palestinians Fight for a Political Voice
PLO- Palestinian Liberation Organization, formed to give a voice to the Palestinians and fight for self-determination Intifada- meanings uprising-fighting by the Palestinians against Israeli occupation


13 Attempted Peace Plan and Problems
Oslo Accords- 1993 peace plan signed by PLO and Israel, first plan between the two Barriers to Peace Jerusalem-who would get control Palestinian refugees Jewish Settlements in Palestinian lands

14 Graphs and Charts What is the graph telling you?
What do you notice about the countries that find Israel favorable? What about unfavorable? Why do you think other Arab countries view Israel unfavorably?

15 What are the graphs telling you?
Which side has the most deaths? Which side has the most civilian deaths? Why do you think Palestinians are affected more than Israelis? (think technology and economics)




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