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The Early Israelites.

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Presentation on theme: "The Early Israelites."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Early Israelites

2 Abraham Left Mesopotamia and headed for the Mediterranean coast
New type of Religion- Monotheism

3 Jacob Descendents create the 12 tribes Begin building a kingdom

4 Powerful Egypt takes Israelites as slaves for building projects (pyramids)

5 Moses Leads the Israelites out of Egypt after the 10 plagues
Pharaoh changes mind, sends military after the Israelites Red Sea Parts 10 Commandments 1. Said to have been given to Moses from God on Mt. Sinai 2. Basic moral laws of many modern day nations


7 Tanakh: Bible used in Judaism
Torah: Most holy part of the Torah Laws received from God Covenant = Agreement with God

8 Promised Land: Israel

9 King Saul Great War Hero? 1. Massacres a rival tribe the Amalekites
- Kills all the women, children, babies, men and weak livestock 2. God displeased with him, not because of massacring women and children, because of not killing everyone. Problem with Philistines enters new Bible hero David


11 David Goliath and the Philistines Great Military leader
High taxes to pay for the Temple

12 Solomon- David’s Son Finished Temple Disliked because of high taxes
Israel breaks into two kingdoms 1) Israel- (north) made up of 10 tribes 2) Judah- (south) made up of 2 tribes

13 Israel is destroyed by the Assyrians
Its people are scattered Lose their ways

14 Judah survives until a new invader the Chaldeans and King Nebuchadnezzer destroys and captures Judah. Its called the “Babylonian Captivity”

15 Persia emerges as the new (very powerful empire)
Takes over Babylon Lets the Jews return to Judah Gives the Jews a degree (amount) of (autonomy) freedom

16 Alexander the Great Greek writing and culture More Diaspora

17 Jews and the Romans Romans invade and control Judea (Roman Province Name) for several hundred years

18 King Herod Jewish, but extremely dislike Built great buildings
To close to the Romans

19 Roman Governmental officials rule
Failed Jewish Revolts 1) A.D. 66 a.   results in Genocide (mass killing) against the Jews b.  Romans destroy the Tempe (western wailing wall) 2) A.D. 132 a.   exile Jews from Palestine

20 After the Roman Empire: Diaspora
Jews are spread out through the world, but concentrated populations in Europe

21 Persecution by the Christians
Jews treated as second class citizens Crusades Hitler and the Nazis

22 Modern Day Creation of the State of Israel after WWII

23 Problems/wars with neighboring Arab States
1947/48 war for Independence- Israel 1967 Six Day war Both major defeats for Arab 1973 Yom Kippur war Stalemate and tentative peace between Israel and Arab States

24 Palestinians Failed peace accords or agreements Refugees for 60+ years
Both sides take the blame

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