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Welcome to 2nd Grade Curriculum Night

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 2nd Grade Curriculum Night"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 2nd Grade Curriculum Night
Presented by: Ms. Coleman Ms. Evans Ms. Wells Always Reaching Excellence (excellence in everything) Let’s sail and SOAR to higher heights!

2 Curriculum Night Reading Expectations Math Expectations
Science/ Social Studies Homework Policy / Agenda Second Grade Discipline Plan / S.O.A.R. Attendance Forms of communication Awards Criteria Infinite Campus Report Card

3 Curriculum Subjects are based on and Georgia Standards of Excellence, also known as GSE

4 Fontas and Pinnel (Reading Level)
To Meet the Benchmark, 2nd grade students should be instructional at: Level K in August Level L in December Level M by May

5 Reaching Excellence in Reading/Language Arts
In Reading /Language Arts, students will learn: The conventions of standard English How to apply word analysis skills to decode and read fluently Strategies to better comprehend and understand different types of text How to write different texts for various purposes (narrative, informational, and opinion pieces) How to conduct short research projects that build knowledge about a topic

6 Writing 6 + 1 Writing Traits Program Sentence structure
Parts of Speech Writing process Genre’s include: Narrative, Informational, and Opinion/Argumentative.

7 MATH Unit 1 CCGPS: Extending Base Ten Understanding
Unit 2 CCGPS: Becoming Fluent w/Addition and Subtraction Unit 3 CCGPS: Understanding Measurement, Length, and Time Unit 4 CCGPS: Applying Base Ten Understanding Unit 5 CCGPS: Applying Plane and Solid Figures Unit 6 CCGPS: Developing Multiplication Unit 7 CCGPS: Show What We Know

8 Social Studies My Georgia, Past & Present history of Georgia
5 Regions of Georgia Government & Civic Understandings Economic Understandings

9 Science Earth Science Motion/patterns of celestial bodies Life Science
Changes of the earth’s surface Life Science Life cycles Physical Science Changing attributes of materials States of matter (solid, liquid, gas) Energy to keep things going(motion), pushes and pulls

10 Homework Policy Read for a minimum 20 minutes daily
Homework is a key part of student success. It is an excellent way to reinforce skills and concepts taught in the classroom. Read for a minimum 20 minutes daily Vocabulary Packet or Choice Board Practice First in Math Other assigned homework assignments / projects varying by classroom Please sign agenda/behavior log each day

11 Second Grade Discipline Plan
Routines and rituals will be taught and followed daily to build a positive learning environment. However, if students do not follow the classroom rules, the following steps will be taken.   1. Verbal Warning 2. Conference with teacher 3. Time out in the classroom Time out in another classroom Behavior discipline notice 5. Call home/Parent conference 6. Infinite Campus behavior referral Safe Organized Accountable Respectful When positive behaviors are noticed throughout the building, faculty and staff will give the student’s SOAR card a hole punch. Students meeting the required number of punches at the end of the week will be rewarded with a treat.

12 Attendance Students MUST be in class by 7:45 to be marked present. Students arriving after 7:45 must be brought into the front office for check in by parent/guardian. The breakfast line stops serving breakfast at 7:40 each morning.

13 Forms of Communication
Open communication between home and school is extremely vital in your child’s success. / Phone call Written notes in your child’s agenda or daily folder Class Website Schedule a conference when needed Remind 101

14 Note: Grades will be updated every Wednesday.
Infinite Campus Parents can view grades online via Parent Portal on Infinite Campus. If you haven’t already done so, please contact the front office to obtain login information to Parent Portal. Note: Grades will be updated every Wednesday.

15 Understanding Standard-Based Grading
A standards-based grading system measures students’ mastery of grade-level standards.  Students are graded on a 4 point scale. A score of (4) would indicate that a student exceeds a standard by consistently demonstrating an advanced level of understanding and/or the ability to apply their knowledge at a higher level. A score of (3) would indicate that a student has independently achieved the standard. The student demonstrates mastery of the standard. A score of (2) would indicate that a student is developing an understanding of a standard, but still may be in need of additional instruction and/or support. A score of (1) would indicate minimal understanding of a standard. The student shows limited evidence of understanding the standard. 4’s = exceeding 3’s = meeting 2’s = progressing 1’s = emerging 0’s = critical need

16 Report Card 4’s = exceeding 3’s = meeting 2’s = progressing 1’s = emerging 0’s = critical need Only standards are listed on report cards.

17 Helpful Websites

18 Questions

19 Thank you for being part of your child’s educational team
Thank you for being part of your child’s educational team. Let’s work together to provide a productive and enriching year for your child.

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