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Miss Independent.

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1 Miss Independent

2 You look at her and see a confident and strong woman
You look at her and see a confident and strong woman. Her decisions seem to be designed to the smallest detail. Sometimes I would like to be like her: realistic, autonomous and brave. Why only sometimes? Well, if we were identical, we wouldn’t be as we are now: BEST FRIENDS

3 I don’t know how it feels being the big sister, but I know how it is to be the little one in the family. I grew up regarding her all the time as the best. She knew how to make clothes for dolls, she played with toy cars, she had good marks, she was brave, friendly, cheerful, always at the center of the stage, surrounded by boys. For me she was and she is still an example.

4 First of all, I want to start by telling some things about my little hero, my sister. Her name is Raluca Valentina, but she prefers to be called Valentina. She’s a Leo. She likes driving a lot. She can drives hundreds of kilometers in a week. 2010 2016

5 She is 24 years old. She has a BA Degree in Electric, Electronic and Energy Engineering and Management. She works at a multinational company in the automotive field. She is a Testing Development and Solutions Project Coordinator (complicated, right?). Meanwhile, she is going on with her studies and next year she will get an MBA (Master in Business Administration).

6 Her biggest hobbies are music and singing
Her biggest hobbies are music and singing. No, she has no talent in that, but she knows almost all the songs of any genre. Also, she loves travelling, walking, reading and going shopping with her friends. My sister's attitude is something that I adore. She is kind hearted, she is sweet and gentle to everyone she meets, she always says please and thank you, even to the bus driver and she is always there to lend a helping hand. Her attitude and spirit are something that I have always admired and something that I have sought to achieve myself. She’s happy all the time! Her motto is “Give this world good energy” or “Smiles and Good Vibes”.

7 She is a very independent person
She is a very independent person. She doesn’t need to be helped by anybody because she is always capable to do anything she wants by herself. When she does some of her task, she doesn’t ask for help even when she might need it, but she would spend time on it trying hard to do it by herself. Furthermore, my sister is considered as a pretty woman. Her face looks like a baby face, not only because of the skin, but also because of the expression. As an illustration, her eyes will always make you remember childhood. Also, she is always concerned about the way she looks and she tries as much as possible to look nice and wear the appropriate clothes and make-up.

8 She has a flaw. She isn’t a punctual person
She has a flaw. She isn’t a punctual person. She has a saying: “it's better to get somewhere late than to get there ugly”. ;)) Her personality is what I mostly like about her and it’s what makes her special. My sister is a very sympathetic person, better said, she’s really funny and she can always crack a good joke. She has a lot of friends. If I had to pick one person that loves me in a remarkable way, it would have to be my sister Valentina. She has been my rock and my shield throughout my whole life. This makes me feel happy because I know that she really values my opinion as not only a sister, but a best friend could do as well. I know that!

9 For me, she is: «Miss independent Miss self-sufficient Miss „keep your distance” Miss unafraid Miss „out of my way” Miss on her own Miss almost grown Miss „never let a man help her off her throne” Misguided heart Miss „play it smart”» -Miss Independent, Kelly Clarkson

10 THE END Created by Maria Elena Ivascu, Class 3 D, IC PADRE ROMUALDO FORMATO Teacher: Ms. Fiengo

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