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Application of Systems Engineering to Nuclear Fusion projects

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1 Application of Systems Engineering to Nuclear Fusion projects
Tanya Galliara

2 Traditional approaches
An academic reactor1 or reactor plant almost always has the following basic characteristics: It is simple It is small It is cheap It is light It can be built very quickly It is very flexible in purpose Very little development is required The reactor is in the study phase. It is not being built now. A practical reactor plant1 can be distinguished by the following characteristics: It is being built now It is behind schedule It is requiring an immense amount of development for seemingly trivial items. It is very expensive It takes a long time to build because of the engineering development problems It is large It is heavy It is complicated. Moving away from building ITER mk2 Is a tokamak the right solution? Is it just a bigger version of ITER? What happens when we connect it to the GRID? How will we bring Operators on board? Profitability? Maintainability? Viable source for electricity generation! 1Rickover (1953)

3 Where can SE help? A need to move a way from sequential engineering
The design should drive the R&D - identifying technology gaps where further R&D is urgently needed (Gen IV projects) Moving away from building ITER mk2 – Is a tokamak the right solution? What happens when we connect it to the GRID? How do we integrate all the technology together? Team effort – SE & SME For example Nuclear Licensing Establishing common set of requirements for all next generation projects Examples – European Space Agency Concurrent Design Facility NASA Integrated Design Centre, Mission Design Lab, Instrument Design Lab Boeing

4 EU approach to DEMO Design
Development of multiple architectures in parallel to satisfy PRD Recognition that we do not know what the ideal DEMO looks like Baseline: best guess and a realistic representation of what DEMO could look like – and a useful tool! Matti Coleman | 22nd Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy | Philadelphia | August 22nd 2016

5 Baseline Matti Coleman | 22nd Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy | Philadelphia | August 22nd 2016 | Page 4

6 Relation between top-level requirements and systems
Each system is allocated requirements and functions, and broken down into further sub-systems until a sub-system design can be “sub-contracted” to a Work Package with a formalised set of requirements (SRD). Matti Coleman | 22nd Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy | Philadelphia | August 22nd 2016

7 Lessons for us to learn Military applications of Nuclear Fusion
Government Furnished Equipment Components Off The Shelf (COTS) Obsolescence & Aging Management Storage Risk Management Verification and Validations Modelling and Simulations Accelerated Aging tests No longer legally allowed to carry out warhead tests! What happens when tests go wrong? Guardian article 23rd January 2017

8 Management of Complexity & Reduction of Risk
Understand the problem How will the environment change between now and when the system is ready? How will the environment and end users respond to the new system? What inputs or metrics might change during the project? Investigate alternative solutions Work out how to choose between the alternatives Record of decision making process Define and agree upon the system architecture The relationship between the system, it’s environment and it’s sub-systems Agree and manage the requirements Balancing desired effect with budget and technical feasibility Test system against requirements Agree and manage the interfaces Creating an effective whole Allowing teams to work in parallel with confidence Prepare the test and support systems in parallel to the operational system Compatibility and availability Track technical performance against a plan

9 References Matti Coleman (22nd TOFE presentation, August 2016)
NGNP Congress Report, April 2010, US DOE, ONE NGNP Prismatic HTGR Conceptual Design Project - Final Technical Report General Atomics, NGNP-B00259 Rev 0, July 2011 NGNP High Temperature Materials White Paper, Idaho National Laboratory, August 2012 NASA Systems Engineering Processes and Requirements (NP” B)

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