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Geologic Time.

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1 Geologic Time

2 the key to the past relative time absolute time
relative time vs. absolute time relative time order of events or objects from first (oldest) to last (youngest) she is older than he is; she was born first and he was born last absolute time age of events or objects expressed numerically she is twenty-one and he is nineteen study of timing of geologic events and processes is geochronology

3 relative time and relative order
apply simple concepts to determine… • original horizontality • superposition • lateral continuity • cross-cutting relationships • inclusions • unconformities

4 relative age dating concepts
original horizontality all beds originally deposited in water formed in horizontal layers sediments will settle to bottom and blanket the sea floor

5 relative age dating concepts
superposition youngest within a sequence of undisturbed sedimentary or volcanic rocks, oldest rocks are at the bottom and youngest at the top ….young upward… lateral continuity oldest original sedimentary layers extend laterally until they thin at edges continue continue

6 relative age dating concepts
cross-cutting relationships a disrupted pattern is older than the cause of the disruption e.g. an intrusion is younger than the rocks it intrudes

7 relative age dating concepts
inclusions fragments of other rocks contained in a body of rock must be older than the host rock e.g. xenoliths in granite are older than granite and 2) pieces of rock in conglomerate are older than conglomerate

8 relative age dating concepts
unconformities a contact between sedimentary formations that represents a gap in the geologic record -- “gap” represented is variable (i.e. amount of time or the amount of missing section) different types of unconformities conformity • relatively continuous deposition • deposition of a sequence of parallel layers • contacts between formations do not represent significant amounts of time

9 conformity from:

10 relative age dating concepts
different types of unconformities angular unconformity • contact separates overlying younger layers from tilted older layers • sequence of layers is not parallel • contacts between formations may represent significant amounts of time angular unconformity

11 angular unconformity from:

12 angular unconformity


14 relative age dating concepts
different types of unconformities disconformity • contact separates beds (formations) that are parallel but not continuous in age • sequence of layers is parallel • contacts between formations may represent significant amounts of time • missing time is difficult to recognize (may need other information—paleosol (remains of ancient soils)?)

15 relative age dating concepts
different types of unconformities nonconformity • strata deposited on older crystalline (metamorphic/igneous) rock • erosion surface on igneous/metamorphic rock covered by sedimentary rocks • large gap in geologic record Magma intruding and destroying/altering part of the rock record nonconformity

16 what events occur? angular unconformity

17 what events occur? nonconformity

18 now that we know all this…what happened?


20 deposition

21 intrusion

22 tilting and erosion

23 subsidence and renewed deposition

24 missing formation (time)?

25 dike intrusion

26 erosion and exposure

27 subsidence and deposition

28 uplift/sea level fall and river deposition

29 relative ages of the formations

30 relative age: correlation
how is this done? faunal succession (correlation by fossils) fossil species succeed one another through the layers in a predictable order index fossil short-lived organism; points to narrow range of geologic time fossil assemblage group of fossils associated together


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