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Help your child plan their future - Information for parents & carers

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1 Help your child plan their future - Information for parents & carers
Ruth Robertson Advisers to add their name and date of presentation

2 Contents Introduction to Skills Development Scotland
Career Management Skills Post-school choices My World of Work The changing youth labour market Helping you to help your child. Ice-breaker activity could be introduced, if appropriate, to introduce some engaging interactivity. Example; Standup job game Lucky dip job cards (issue to audience before and explain set up)

3 Skills Development Scotland (SDS)
SDS is the national skills body supporting people and businesses to develop and apply their skills we work in partnership to enable people to reach their potential we support people to develop effective career management skills developing effective career management skills will enable people to make informed career choices throughout their life. Introduce the work of SDS Advisers can personalise the delivery with details of the partnership working in their school

4 Careers Service in School
Drop-in clinics – held weekly, opportunity for pupils to meet school careers adviser and have any immediate questions answered One to one career coaching - this is available for pupils to discuss goals and aspirations Group sessions – careers advisers work in classrooms delivering interactive group activities to help pupils understand and develop career management skills Parents evenings – careers advisers attend parents evenings to raise awareness of support available to pupils My World of Work – web service provides a range of information for pupils, parents and teachers

5 Career Management Skills
Self: who you are/your personality Strengths: what you’re good at Horizons: what’s out there for you Networks: who can help you get it.

6 The changing youth labour market
the youth labour market has changed massively over the last couple of decades there are fewer entry-level jobs for school leavers and much more competition for them there are many and varied routes into work for young people; including Modern Apprenticeships, college, university or further training the average person has 10 – 15 jobs in their lifetime 80% of jobs are not advertised this means young people have to be very well prepared for the world of work for localised information on job trends in your area (including employment rates and useful local contact information) have a look at SDS’ website: and put in your postcode. Here are some interesting points which highlight the changes on the youth labour market in the couple of decades You can add your own example of interesting and / or local information (i.e. many IT jobs that are very sought after didn't even exist 10 or so years ago – social media content editor for example)

7 Future Job Sectors Genetics/biotechnologies Nano-technologies Digital and creative Alternative energies Advanced materials/chemicals Hi-tech engineering. Social Care Hospitality

8 Post-school choices foundation apprenticeship further education
further training higher education modern apprenticeship employment. There are many and varied routes into work for young people; including Modern Apprenticeships, college, university or further training Foundation Apprenticeships, while starting in school, can broaden options and give a head start in your career. You can apply for accelerated entry into a Modern Apprenticeship after successfully completing your Foundation Apprenticeship, or use as a stepping stone to higher level study at college or university.

9 My World of Work is Scotland’s careers information and advice web service
it can support you as a parent / carer for careers advice and information, as well as helping you help your child your child will be introduced to My World of Work in school and will be supported to set up their individual user account. This will give them access to a wealth of career information, resources and tools. Opportunity to mention our website My World of Work – - and the fact that they will use it to progress through school and beyond.

10 Have a look on My World of Work –
Describe the main features of MyWoW Helping you to help your child Subject choice – encourage them to explore their strengths to make better decisions about subject choices and future career options. Encourage these discussions as early as possible and MyWoW can support these. Exam results – whatever their grades find help with planning their next steps Preparing for further study – explore Course choices Scotland’s most comprehensive course search tool. And find out what makes a memorable UCAS application Preparing for a job – everything from learning about Scotland’s industries to searching for jobs, writing a CV and practising for interviews Modern Apprenticeships – find out what apprenticeships are available in Scotland and how “Every decision is a Career Decision”

11 Helping you to help your child
Online: Face-to-face: Visit an SDS careers centre to talk to an Adviser. Visit to find your nearest centre Telephone: Call us to free speak to an Adviser on

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