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Revelation Part 3 Lesson 6
Man of Lawlessness Associated with apostasy
Is revealed WHEN he takes his seat in temple Son of destruction Opposes every god and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship Takes HIS seat in the temple of God Thinks he IS God He is being restrained (by a person or being) In his time (in history) he will be revealed He has a mystery of lawlessness already at work
Man of Lawlessness Dan. 9 Prince who is to come makes a covenant but in the middle of the week, breaks it and stops sacrifice and grain offering. One who makes desolate comes Abomination of desolation King of Daniel 7 Beast of Revelation 13:2 All the SAME
Man of Lawlessness Restrainer will be taken out of the way
The Lord will slay him with the breath of His mouth Man of lawlessness ends when Jesus comes His revealing is in accord with Satan’s action Has all: Power Signs False Wonders Has all the deception of wickedness for those who perish
Great Tribulation Rev. 12:6 Woman/Israel is persecuted for 1,260 days
Matt. 24:21 Unlike anything that has occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will be Dan. 12:1 A time of distress that has not occurred since there was a nation of Israel Rev. 13:6 The beast speaks blasphemies Immediately AFTER the great tribulation, Jesus the Son of Man comes on the clouds
Matthew 24:42-47 Faithful & Sensible Slave
Put in charge of His household Put in charge of distribution of food at the proper time Blessed if the Master finds him being faithful when He returns Master will put him in charge of ALL His possessions
Matthew 24:48-51 Evil Slave Heart is evil
“My Master is not coming for a long time” though he doesn’t know that (pride) NOT faithful NOT sensible NOT alert Persecutes his fellow slaves Eats & drinks with drunkards Caught unaware when his Master returns Assigned a place with hypocrites where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth
Matthew 25 Matt. 24 ends with illustrations: Be alert
Matt. 25:1-13 Ten Virgins Five are Prudent: wise, sensible, intelligent, ready, prepared for the doing of a thing Five are Foolish: moronic, dull, flat, without an edge, mentally inert, dull in understanding nonsensical, lacking a grip on reality, acting as though brainless
Matthew 25 Matt. 25:14-30 Good and Faithful vs. Wicked and Lazy Slaves
Good: Entrusted with the Master’s possessions Immediately double their talents Master calls them good & faithful with a few things, puts them in charge of many things Reward: “Enter into the joy of your Master” Did not matter the amount each earned for the Master, only their faithfulness
Matthew 25 Wicked and Lazy Slave
Entrusted with the Master’s possessions Digs a hole and hides what was entrusted Sees the Master settle accounts with the good and faithful slaves Calls the Master a hard man, reaping where He does not sow; gathering where He has not planted a seed Afraid: unlike the good and faithful Master calls him wicked, lazy and worthless
Matthew 25 Master tells him what he SHOULD have done
What talent he has, is taken away and given to the good and faithful He is thrown out into outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. ALL had the same opportunity ALL were entrusted with possessions Master is the One that judges
Matthew 25 Matt. 25:31-46 The King
When Jesus comes, He sits on His glorious throne (Rev. 20) Nations will be gathered before Him, separated based on their works and how they treated His “brothers/least of these” Either: inherit the kingdom and enter eternal life – sheep Or: depart into eternal fire and punishment – goats Happens at the 2nd Coming – beginning of 1,000 year reign – the millennium
Matthew 25 How they treated His brothers shows whether they are righteous or not. Since the nations are being judged, and the Jews are never named among the nations, “His brothers” refers to Jews at that time. The righteous will enter the 1,000 year earthly kingdom and eternal life. The unrighteous will depart into eternal fire, the lake of fire.
Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 Man who sows: Son of Man Field: World
Good Seed: Sons of the Kingdom; Saints Tares: Sons of Satan Enemy: Devil/Satan Harvest: End of the Age Reapers: Angels 13:25 “while His men were sleeping” NOT ALERT!!!
Application The righteous ones will shine forth in God’s kingdom
ARE YOU SHINING?? There will be the righteous ones of Israel ARE YOU TREATING ISRAEL/HIS BROTHERS THE WAY GOD DESIRES????? Pray for Israel
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