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Phases of Mitosis Use this slide show to complete the Mitosis Diagram.

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Presentation on theme: "Phases of Mitosis Use this slide show to complete the Mitosis Diagram."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phases of Mitosis Use this slide show to complete the Mitosis Diagram.
You will need three colors (red, blue, and green)

2 Interphase consists of 3 steps
Start Interphase by drawing the nucleus and labeling both the cell and the nucleus Interphase consists of 3 steps G1, S and G2

3 During G1 the cell grows and the organelles double in number
1)Draw an arrow between the small and larger cell and label this G1 for cell growth. 2)Draw organelles in the first one such as mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes and a centriole. In the larger cell double the number you drew in the first cell

4 During the S phase DNA replicates
In the larger cell draw DNA in a double helix, opening and creating two new identical strands DNA begins as spaghetti like chromatin

5 During the G2 phase the cell continues to grow and the centrioles spin out spindle fibers

6 This is what the end of your Interphase diagram should look like
The I in Interphase we will say stands for “Intro”

7 The P in Prophase we will say stands for “Prepare”
During Prophase the nuclear membrane begins to disintegrate and Chromosomes condense The P in Prophase we will say stands for “Prepare”

8 During Metaphase spindle fibers pull the chromosomes into the middle
The M in Metaphase we will say stands for “Middle”

9 The A in Anaphase we will say stands for “Apart”
During Anaphase the spindle fibers retract pulling chromosomes into chromatids that they drag back to opposite poles The A in Anaphase we will say stands for “Apart”

10 The T in Telophase we will say stands for “Tear”
During Telophase the cell begins to tear in two. The nucleus begins to reform. The T in Telophase we will say stands for “Tear”

11 During Cytokinesis the cell divides into two new IDENTICAL cells
The C in Cytokinesis we will say stands for “Cuts”

12 The END!

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