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Notes 6.2: Circular Motion

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1 Notes 6.2: Circular Motion

2 Circular Motion – when a force causes an object to curve in a full circle.
There are 2 types of circular motion to be familiar with: 1. Rotation – an object spins around an internal axis. Example: bike tire, figure skater Earth rotates once on it’s axis in 24 hours

3 2. Revolution – object moves around an external axis
Example: rider on a carousel Earth revolves around the sun

4 We can describe circular speeds in 2 ways.
1. Angular speed – rate at which something turns (rpm) A CD spins at 200 rpm

5 2. Linear speed- distance traveled around the circle divided by time.
Units: m/s

6 Example: A CD takes 0. 3 seconds to make one revolution
Example: A CD takes 0.3 seconds to make one revolution. If the radius of the CD is 6 cm, how fast is a speck of dust on the outside of the CD moving? Answer: t = 0.3 sec v =(2πr)/t r = 6cm = 0.06m v = (2 x 3.14 x .06)/0.3 v = ? v = 1.26 m/s

7 When an object is rolling, it has both linear and rotational motion.

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