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English from the Roots Up…

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1 English from the Roots Up…
Greek and Latin Roots 25-50

2 homo (hominis)

3 [HOH mo, HOH mi nis] man, human being
homo sapiens: man as a thinking species humane: marked by compassion for human or animals

4 anthropos

5 [AHN troh poss] man, mankind
Anthropology: the study of mankind Philanthropist: a generous giver to education, charity, or social work

6 vir

7 [weer] man, manly, masculine
Virile – manly Triumvirate – (“tri” Latin-three) three man governing body Virtuoso – someone with great technical skill in the fine arts

8 femina

9 Feminine: having qualities associated with women
[FAY mi nah] woman Feminine: having qualities associated with women Feminism: advocacy of women’s rights

10 infans/infantis

11 [EEN fans, een FAHN tis] inability to speak
Infant: speechless; one who cannot yet speak Infancy: condition of being an infant; early childhood

12 pais/ paidos

13 [pah EES, peye DOSS] child
Pediatrician: a doctor for children Pedantic: overly concerned with small details and formalities in teaching.

14 schole

15 [SKOH lay] leisure school: (n) a place of education; a group of fish swimming together; (v) to teach or educate Scholar: a student who is taught, especially one who is learned in classical (Greek and Latin) languages and literature

16 ludo/lusus

17 [LOO do, LOO soos] play, mock
allude: make indirect reference to; to refer to illusion: the creation of a false impression of reality ludicrous: laughable, ridiculous, absurd

18 iatros

19 [yah TROSS] doctor, physician
Psychiatrist: doctor for mind and soul Podiatrist: foot doctor Geriatrics: field of medicine dealing with older people

20 medicus

21 [MEH di koos] physician
Medicine: any substance used in treatment of disease or illness Medication: use or application of medicine Medicare: a U.S. government program of medical insurance for aged or disabled persons

22 sanus

23 [SAH noos] healthy, not diseased or injured
Sane: of sound healthy mind insanity: condition of mental illness Sanitary: clean and healthy

24 holos

25 [HOH loss] whole, entire, complete
Whole - healthy, unhurt, entire, total Holy- sacred; dedicated to the service of God, the church, or religion Holiday - a day fixed by law or custom to commemorate an event or to honor a person

26 rhinos

27 [HREE noss, REYE noss] nose; snout
Rhinoceros: large animal with one or two horns on its snout Rhinology: branch of medicine concerned with the nose Rhinoplasty: plastic surgery for the nose

28 cornu

29 derma

30 [KOR noo] horn Cornet: horn, a brass instrument like a trumpet
Unicorn: a mythical horse with one horn on its forhead Corn: hardening of skin on a toe other than the toenail

31 [DAIR mah, DER mah] skin, hide, shell
Dermis: layer of skin just under the epidermis Dermatologist: skin specialist in medicine

32 cutis

33 [KOO tis] skin, hide cutis: the layer of skin beneath the epidermis; derma Cuticle: thin, outermost thin layer of skin; the epidermis

34 cor/cordis

35 [KOR, KOR dis] heart Core: the central or innermost part; the “heart” of anything Cordial: heartfelt, warm and sincere Courage: facing danger in spite of fear

36 dorsum

37 Dorsal fin- the fin on the back of sharks, dolphins, orca
[DOR soom] back Dorsal fin- the fin on the back of sharks, dolphins, orca Endorse - to sign on the back of a document or check; support or approval for a person or position or product

38 Athlon

39 [AHT lohn] prize, award Athlete: a person trained in exercises, sports, or games requiring physical strength, agility, stamina Decathlon: athletic contest of ten separate sports

40 agon

41 [AH gon] contest, struggle
Agony: intense mental or physical suffering from struggling with a challenge Antagonist: one who struggles against or opposes another; adversary; opponent Protagonist: principal character in a book or play against which antagonist struggles

42 dromos

43 [DROH moss] race course, runway, running
Hippodrome- horse racetrack Palindrome – a word, sentence or verse that reads the same forward and backward Aerodrome - airport runway

44 mons/montis

45 [MONS, MOHN tis] mountain
Mountain: a land mass that rises high above its surroundings Mound: a raised area in the ground Amount: a pile or accumulation of anything; the quantity at hand

46 humus

47 [HOO moos] earth, soil Humiliate: to make someone feel low
Humble: near the ground; not high or pretentious Humility: a spirit of lowliness; lack of pretension

48 folium

49 [FO lee oom] leaf Foliage: the leaves of a plant or tree
Portfolio: a case for carrying loose sheets of paper, music, art, etc. Exfoliate: to cast off or shed leaves or layers

50 49. sal/salis

51 [SAHL, SAH lis] salt Salt: a substance occurring in nature as both solution and as crystal, known chemically as sodium chloride (NaCl) Saline – like salt, salty

52 50. Mare

53 Marine – (adj) relating to the sea
[MAH reh] sea, ocean Marine – (adj) relating to the sea Marina – a dock or harbor offering a safe mooring for boats Submarine – a ship which goes under water

54 51. Naus

55 [NAH oos ] Ship, boat Nautical (adj) – pertaining to ships
Astronaut (N) – one who “sails” out toward the stars Nausea – seasickness caused by motion of a boat

56 52. Navis

57 [NAH wis ] ship, boat Navy – the ships and those who manage them
Circumnavigate (circum L. – around) – to sail completely around a land mass or the world. Navigation – the process of guiding a ship upon the sea.

58 53. Homos

59 [HOH moss] same, common Homogeneous (genus G. – race, kind) – same kind of nature Homogenize – to make homogeneous or the same throughout Homonym - words having the same sound or pronunciation but different spelling and meaning.

60 54. heteros

61 [HEH teh ross] other, different
Heterogeneous (genus G. – race, kind) – different kind in nature Heterodox (doxa G. – opinion) – contrary to recognized standard practice. Opposite of orthodox

62 55. cardo, cardinis

63 [KAR do, KAR di nis] hinge
Cardinal – essential, main; a songbird with bright red feathers Cardinal numbers – one, two, three, etc. Cardinal points – North, South, East, West

64 #56. Porta

65 [POR tah] door, gate, entry
Port – a harbor for boats at the shore of a city; the left side of the ship (opposite of starboard) Portal – doorway or gateway of elaborate construction; any kind of entryway Portcullis – (old French coulies – sliding) vertically sliding castle door.

66 #57 – Porto, Portatum

67 [POR to] [por TAH toom] to carry
Porter – someone who carries your luggage for you. Portable – capable of being carried by hand. Export – (ex L. – out of) to carry out Import – (in L. – in) to bring something in Report – to carry back Support – to carry from underneath Deport – to carry away

68 #58. novus

69 [NOH woos] new Novel (adj.) – of a new kind or nature
Novice – a beginner, an inexperienced person Nouveau rich (French) – newly rich

70 #59. ordo, ordinis

71 [OR do, OR din is] row, array, command
Order – everything in its place Orderly – systematically arranged, regular Ordinary – regular, normal, customary NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM – “A New Order of the Ages” - motto on the great seal of the United States (on back of a one dollar bill.)

72 #60. saeculum

73 [SEYE koo loom] age, century
Secular – worldly as opposed to ecclesiastical or church related. NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM “a New Order of the Ages” - motto on the great seal of the United States (on back of a one dollar bill.)

74 #61. primus

75 [PREE moos] first Primary – first in order
Primer – first book of instruction Primogeniture – custom of the eldest son in a family inheriting the family land or wealth.

76 #62. secundus

77 [seh KOON doos] second Second (N) – an aide to a participant in a duel
Second (N) – damaged or flawed merchandise Second hand – used clothing or equipment

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