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Year 5 and 6 Residential Trip to

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1 Year 5 and 6 Residential Trip to
PGL Boreatton Park

2 Boreatton Park Shropshire

3 Boreatton Park - Shropshire
LEARNING OUTSIDE Boreatton Park - Shropshire 26 fantastic adventure activities to choose from 250 acres of beautiful grounds Lakes and river for watersports Explore the 360 Virtual Tour to see inside the centre and view activity information and videos




7 Staffing Mrs Brown Mrs Gibson Miss Burrows Miss Isherwood Mrs Westwood

8 Monday 9th July 10:00am Please arrive at DENTON PRIMARY SCHOOL at 10:00. Children to bring their bags to the coach – please make sure they can carry them! Children to come in their travelling clothes and with a disposable packed lunch including a water bottle. Medication to be given to Mrs Gibson by an adult. All medication must be named and a medication form completed as per medication in school. The children are not permitted mobile phones or electronic devices. You are very welcome to stay and wave goodbye If you need to drop your child off prior to 10:00, please make this clear on your consent form.

9 PGL We’ll arrive at around 2pm and contact Denton and Yardley schools to let them know that have arrived safely. The office will then contact you via text message. We’ll then meet our group leader and have a tour of the grounds. The children will be shown to their rooms and unpack. We’ll have an evening activity and go to bed (hopefully to get some sleep!)

10 The PGL difference Dedicated PGL ‘Groupie’ to provide support throughout stay Tailor-made programmes All accommodation, food, activities and instruction included Free evening entertainment 24 hour support from centre team Each group will have a PGL Groupie who will look after guests for the duration of their stay All accommodation, food, equipment and instruction is included in the price of the trip Activities are chosen to suit the requirements of the group 4 x 1 ½ hour activity sessions every day A full evening entertainment programme run by PGL staff includes discos, talent shows and quizzes

11 Adventure activities Abseiling Giant Swing Raft Building Aeroball
High Ropes Course Rifle Shooting Archery Jacob’s Ladder Sensory Trail Canoeing Kayaking Sports and Team Games Challenge Course Low Level Ropes Course Survivor Climbing Orienteering Trapeze Eco Trail Problem Solving Vertical Challenge Fencing Quad Biking Zip Wire The activities shown offer individual as well as team challenges Activities are designed to encourage new skills and develop existing ones Specific activities can be requested (though not guaranteed) and the programme is discussed on arrival at the centre

12 PGL We have 4 sessions (1.5 hr) and an evening activity on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (quiz, talent show, disco). On Friday, we’ll have 2 activities in the morning before departing at around 2pm.



15 Food



18 Other Information Children must take responsibility for their own things so please make sure that they are labelled – even pants! Children need to pack their bags so they know what they have brought with them. (kit list). We will get wet/muddy so please don’t send any new or ‘nice’ clothes. Please send at least one NAMED black bin liner that they can put VERY muddy clothes and shoes in. Once we have our itinerary (approximately 4 weeks before departure), we will let you know if we are having a disco! No electronic devices/mobile phones Children may bring books, pens, teddies etc Please ensure that you take the clothing list with you this evening

19 Kit List 1 sleeping bag/duvet 1 pillow
1 sleeping bag/duvet 1 pillow 6 pairs of socks – must cover your ankles 6 changes of underwear 1 pair shoes for day wear (no crocks or Wellington boots) 1 pair old trainers for wet/ dirty activities (no crocks or Wellington boots) 1 pair shoes for evening activities 6 pairs trousers/ track suit bottoms / leggings (two suitable for wet/dirty activities, not jeans) 2 pairs of shorts (suitable for wet/ dirty activities) 6 t-shirts (two suitable for wet/ dirty activities) 2 long sleeve t-shirts (suitable for wet/ dirty activities) 1 warm fleeces (suitable for wet/dirty activities) 1 Waterproof jacket or coat 1 Sun hat Sun tan lotion 2 bath towels (1 for shower, 1 for after activities) 1 hand towel 1 Pair Pyjamas Bin liners for wet and dirty clothes, there are no washing facilities at PGL Book/small game/Cuddly Toy Water bottle (labelled) Toiletries including toothbrush, toothpaste, shower gel, sponge, flannel, shampoo, conditioner, brush, hair ties

20 Other Information cont..
Birthdays: If your child has a birthday while we are away, we will obviously make a fuss of them. Please can you let us know if you would like a phone call. Rooms and activity groups will be allocated by us. We will obviously take into account friendship groups but you will be mixed with children from the other school.

21 Maximum pocket money £5. £3 is ample.

22 Coming home – Friday 13th We will depart PGL at 2:00pm and should be back at Denton/Yardley for 5:00pm. We will inform you if we are going to be more than 20 minutes early/late. Denton drop off will happen first. We will then come to Yardley. A member of staff will be at Denton/Yardley until we arrive back should you have any questions. If you are leaving earlier, please complete the relevant consent form.

23 Other Information cont..
Emergency contacts: Office manned 24 hrs. School mobile. Please take with you: A kit list with recommended clothing for each activity A consent form. A ‘picking up early form’ if necessary. Please ensure that you return the consent form to us by Monday 4th June.

24 Any Questions

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