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Presentation on theme: "Electrostatics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electrostatics

2 When you rub a rubber rod with fur electrons are transferred from the fur to the rod. The rod becomes negatively charged and the fur becomes positively charged.

3 Like charges repel: unlike charges attract

4 The Triboelectric Sequence
Asbestos . Fur (Rabbit) Glass Mica Wool Quartz Fur (Cat) Lead Silk Human Skin Aluminum Cotton Wood Amber Copper, Brass Rubber Sulfur Celluloid On contact between any two substances shown in the column, the one appearing above becomes positively charged and the one below becomes negatively charged.

5 Insulators & Conductors
Insulator is a substance that does not allow the electrons to freely move. Conductor is a substance that does allow the electrons to freely move

6 Charged Conductors No matter what the shape of the conductor, excess charge always resides on its outer surface.

7 There is no charge on the inside wall of a hollow electrified conductor.
Charge tends to concentrate on the pointed regions of a conductor.

8 METHODS OF CHARGING a. By Conduction

9 b. By Induction grounding

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