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EQ: How do I decide on the rules for a new colony?

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Presentation on theme: "EQ: How do I decide on the rules for a new colony?"— Presentation transcript:

1 EQ: How do I decide on the rules for a new colony?
Write PT: List 3 reasons to settle in a new place where people have never settled before. King George II

2 - allowed for each to keep its name & boundaries
1707 – England (ENG) & Scotland (SCOT) united to form Great Britain (GR BRIT) Write - allowed for each to keep its name & boundaries - national government called “British” NOT “English” - national legislature of Great Britain (GR BRIT) called Parliament

3 Write

4 James Edward Oglethorpe
- Born: 1696 Write - Elected to Parliament – age 25 - learned that debtors (people who can’t pay their bills) were put in prison James Edward Oglethorpe - became leader for prison reform

5 How could they pay if they were poor?
Think In order to receive decent treatment, jailed debtors in England had to pay for room, board, & special privileges. How could they pay if they were poor?

6 - power of its officials - rights of settlers
Write - June 20, 1732 – JO received official Georgia (GA) charter from King George II (KG II) - charter specified - colony’s boundaries - form of government - power of its officials - rights of settlers

7 Georgia Colony: 3 purposes + 1
Write Georgia Colony: purposes + 1 1. Charity – help relieve poverty & unemployment in Britain (BRIT) - Georgia (GA) seen as home - “worthy poor”

8 2. Economics – increase Britain’s (BRIT) trade & wealth
Write - mercantile system trade policy designed to make a nation as self-sufficient & wealthy as possible - provide needed agricultural products - market for BRIT goods

9 3. Defense – provide South Carolina (SC) as buffer
Write - against Indian attacks - Spanish (SPN) attacks - French (FRA) attacks 4. Religion – not listed BUT… - home for persecuted Protestants - Church of England Protestant

10 - GA colony – no official state religion
Write - free to worship as pleased - excluded Catholics due to Spanish threat from Florida (FL) to the south - Catholic FL gave freedom to English run-away slaves from SC - converted to Catholic religion & stayed in FL

11 - Savannah River – north border
Georgia’s Boundaries Write - Savannah River – north border - Altamaha River – south border Spanish Florida - west border – Pacific Ocean

12 Both Spain (SPN) & France (FRN) claimed this same land.
Write Reflection: Both Spain (SPN) & France (FRN) claimed this same land. Why couldn’t they do anything about Britain’s claim? No Settlers No Military Position No Claim

13 Write

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