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Spectral Phase Interferometry for Direct Electric-field Reconstruction

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1 Spectral Phase Interferometry for Direct Electric-field Reconstruction
SPIDER Spectral Phase Interferometry for Direct Electric-field Reconstruction Basic technique: Chirp generator Sum frequency pulse sequencer t Spectro- meter The two pulses are “spectrally sheared” by the product with the chirped pulse

2 Spectral Phase Interferometry for Direct Electric-field Reconstruction
SPIDER Spectral Phase Interferometry for Direct Electric-field Reconstruction Basic principle: Pulse to be measured shifted in frequency and delayed, and made to interfere with the original pulse in a spectrometer. Measure: Inverse Fourier transform: 2 one-dimensional measurements: Fourier transform The spectrum The sheared spectrum Extract

3 SPIDER t Ideal for high (kHz) repetition rate Chirp generator Sum
frequency pulse sequencer t Spectro- meter Advantage: 2 x 1D therefore fast (kHz) reconstruction Disadvantages: 1. Raw data not informative 2. Shear and delay not independent Spatially encoded arrangement for SPIDER SEA-SPIDER 2D data but ideal for ultrashort pulses

4 SEA-SPIDER Ideal for few cycle pulses
Spectrum and shear along x, delay along y. Reference: Webb site of Ian Walmsley, thesis of Adam S. Wyatt (2007)

5 SEA-SPIDER The experimental setup

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