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Joist Explore and Report

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1 Joist Explore and Report
nominal dimensions 8x2x0.5 t=0.054 straight corner model

2 cont.

3 Team Exercises Group 1:Team Lip
Examine the influence of changing the lip length or lip geometry on the elastic buckling (Mcr), and (if time) the DSM strength – share then report Group 2: Team Flange Examine the influence of changing the flange width or geometry on the elastic buckling (Mcr), and (if time) the DSM strength – share then report Group 3: Team Supports Examine the influence of adding springs or supports at different appropriate locations in the section on the elastic buckling (Mcr) and (if time) the DSM strength – share then report Group 4: Team Stiffener Examine the influence of adding folded stiffeners at different appropriate locations in the section on the elastic buckling (Mcr) and (if time) the DSM strength – share then report

4 Group 1: Team Lip Barry and Mike
½ in  1 in. lip – local stays the same, global stays the same distort to 1.26 – 50% up, changed half-wave Inward return lip about the same as 1 in. straight lip 2 in. long lip local changes a bit, global ~ same, dist up another good amount

5 Group 2: Team Flange Don and Gary
From baseline case.... (2 in. flange) Flange down to 1 in., local up a small amount, distortional up a bit, global down b/c of reduced I Flange up to 3 in., big My increase, but local and dist. down a bit, global up... Mn goes up a bit 1 5/8 in. flange (down from 2) basically in between the 1 and 2 in. flange Ribs put in the flange.. not much benefit except in local buckling...

6 Group 4: Team Stiffener Woods, DavidM, DavidP
Accordion corrugation in the web – accordion depth 0.5 in. big boost in local, medium increase in distortional, global down a small amount – 1 in. accordion web – local wrong way, distortional still getting better... 2 folds in the web really boosted local! distortional up a modest amount too Stiffener in the lip investigated, sigma style web looked at too, Intermediate stiffeners in the lip: no change in local, no real change in distortional, no change in global; Sigma style web: My down a few percent, but, local up to 2.1! distortional 1.21! global about the same – so went from 56 to 62 kip-in. nominal Mn Stiffeners in the flange.. this is not the place to make changes, you get little change here.

7 Group 3: Team Supports skipped

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