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1 SWAT!!!

2 Morrill Land Grant Act of 1862
Smith Hughes Act of 1917 Placement Main Motion Yes Lonestar American Classroom Lab Instruction Discovery Learning to Do Lay on the Table No Morrill Land Grant Act of 1862 CDE’s Exploratory Smith-Lever Act of 1914 LDE’s 1928 By the plow By the owl 1969

3 SWAT! This act of legislation established the cooperative extension service: Smith-Lever Act of 1914 This act established vocational agriculture courses at the secondary level: Smith Hughes Act of 1917 The Future Farmers of America was established in Kansas City in what year? 1928 In what year were females first allowed into the FFA? 1969 What is the highest FFA degree that can be received? American What is the first degree a student can earn in the FFA? Discovery In an FFA officer team, where is the vice president stationed? By the Plow In an FFA officer team, the advisor is stationed where? By the owl This is a type of traditional SAE: Placement This is a type of non-traditional SAE: Exploratory The state FFA degree in Texas is called what? Lonestar Degree In Texas, these development events are held in the fall: LDEs In Texas, these development events are held in the spring: CDEs In Parliamentary Procedure, this is required to present an item of business for consideration and action by the chapter: Main Motion Does a Main Motion require a second? Yes In Parliamentary Procedure, this is used to temporarily delay action on an item of business: Lay on the Table Is the motion to lay on the table debatable? No The 3 components of a complete Agricultural Science program are FFA, SAE, and _________? Classroom/Lab Instruction What is the first line in the FFA Motto? Learning to Do This provided land to states to establish colleges for the common man: Morrill Land Grant Act of 1862 Agricultural Issues is an example of what type of contest? LDEs Poultry, Farm Business Management, and Meats are examples of what type of contest? CDEs In each category of proficiency awards, the two SAE programs entrepreneurship and _________________ are recognized in each category: Placement Texas A&M University was established under this act: Morrill Land Grant Act of 1862

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