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Neural Firing.

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Presentation on theme: "Neural Firing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Neural Firing

2 Notation I x(t)=signal vector; N(t)=#spikes fired up to time t; H(k)=[θ1:k-1 ,x1:k ,N1:k] t[k],t[k]+∆t[k]=likelihood over interval tk, tk+∆tk,i ∆tk,i~ interval: tk+∑i=1:j-1 ∆tk,j, tk+ ∑i=1:j ∆tk,j,

3 Fact We have that:

4 Likelihood The likelihood over the k’th interval is:

5 Evolution Prior The prior takes the form,

6 More Notation and assumptions
We put We assume that And assume α,μ,σ are independent apriori. Letting Θ be any one of the parameters, α,μ,σ.

7 Posterior We have that,

8 Result 1 The integral is This gives an update of
This means that we can take the integral to be:

9 Result 2 We differentiate the expression in theta setting the result to 0:

10 Result 3 We have:

11 Result for the mean parameters
In other words for the parameters, this becomes:

12 Result for variance parameters
Viewing the whole distribution as a gaussian and taylor expanding

13 Variances II This gives

14 For alpha and mu We have, for our parameters,

15 For sigma-squared We have for sigma,

16 Alternative Take the approach of auxiliary particle filters. For a given value of we calculate:

17 Alternative II

18 Correlated neural firing processes
Suppose we have many processes indexed by 1,…,J: We model the correlation between them by assuming a multivariate gaussian.

19 We have,

20 Correlated neural firing processes: estimation
We estimate the correlation between parameters by estimating the covariance matrices: ∑α, ∑μ, ∑σ


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