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Repeated Measures ANOVA

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Presentation on theme: "Repeated Measures ANOVA"— Presentation transcript:

1 Repeated Measures ANOVA
Univariate Approach

2 Setting a Treatments/Conditions to compare
N subjects to be included in study (each subject will receive only one treatment) n subjects receive trt i: an = N t time periods of data will be obtained Effects of trt, time and trtxtime interaction of primary interest. Between Subject Factor: Treatment Within Subject Factors: Time, TrtxTime

3 Model Note the random error term is actually the interaction between subjects (within treatments) and time

4 Mean & Variance Structure
The middle assumption (assuming equal covariances among repeated measures on subjects) is not always realistic and can be tested and adjusted for by multivariate approach.

5 Obtaining Variances of Sums & Means

6 Variances of Other Means

7 Analysis of Variance

8 Expected Values in Analysis of Variance

9 Expected Mean Squares

10 Tests for Fixed Effects

11 Comparing Treatment Means

12 Comparing Time Means

13 Comparing Treatment Means @ 1 Time
Approximate degrees of freedom on next slide

14 Approximate Degrees of Freedom (Satterthwaite)

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