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Emotional Wellness Questions to Consider Inventories/Activities

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Presentation on theme: "Emotional Wellness Questions to Consider Inventories/Activities"— Presentation transcript:

1 Emotional Wellness Questions to Consider Inventories/Activities
This dimension helps us to cope with the emotional challenges of life. Questions to Consider Inventories/Activities Am I able to maintain a balance of work, family, friends, and other obligations? Do I have ways to reduce stress in my life? Am I able to make decisions with a minimum of stress and worry? Am I able to set priorities? Emotions Match Up “How Assertive Are You? Body Image “What Triggers Your Eating?” Daily Hassles & Stress How Grateful Are You? Stress Journal Laugher Worksheet

2 My Many Coloured Days

3 Activity-Today I Feel.... On the cue card write a word to describe what colour you are feeling today and tape it to the chalkboard. What emotion does colour look like to you?

4 Activity-Personal Inventory

5 Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others. It is generally said to include three skills: Emotional awareness, including the ability to identify your own emotions and those of others; The ability to harness emotions and apply them to tasks like thinking and problems solving; The ability to manage emotions, including the ability to regulate your own emotions, and the ability to cheer up or calm down another person Source:

6 Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
Emotional Intelligence involves a wide range of skills that can be developed and improved. These skills are critical for emotional well-being and life success. According to research there are 5 categories of EQ skills: 1. Self Awareness (recognizing an emotion) 2. Self Regulation (alleviating negative emotions) 3. Motivation (optimism & goal setting) 4. Empathy (recognizing how others feel) 5. Social Skills (people skills)

7 Definitions Stress Tolerance Independence Empathy Self-Regard Optimism
Impulse Control Problem Solving Social Responsibility Assertiveness Flexibility Interpersonal Relationship Emotional Self- Awareness Happiness Reality Testing Self-Actualization

8 Assertiveness Assertiveness has to do with being able to communicate your feelings, wishes and beliefs to others. Example: Imagine a friend invites you to see a movie and then cancels plans at the last minute to spend time with another friend. How would this make you feel? If you were hurt by this would you tell your friend or would you keep these feelings to yourself? Being assertive means being able to tell your friend how you feel and why you feel this way without being afraid of what he/she might think or say.

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