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Coma - Issues By Abi Chapman

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1 Coma - Issues By Abi Chapman

2 Brief Purpose Form Genre Tone Style Contrasting and expressing
Music Video, performance with slight unconventional narrative Genre Issues has often been associated with djent and nu metal, having a blend of metalcore, pop and R&B. This video follows these. Tone Nostalgic, intense, serious, meaningful (lyrics – “I wanna be all you think about”) Style Unconventional

3 Language The language within the lyrics and the video is quite descriptive; if you link the words with the lyrics, and especially the name of the song, you come to realise that it is a man singing about his love interest who has been in an accident resulting in a coma. At first I thought it was based on an argument and the possibility of the couple breaking up, but after watching and listening multiple times I came to the realisation that it is based around a fight for life rather than love.

4 Narrative There is not a set out narrative in the song; it doesn’t have an equilibrium, disequilibrium and climax. It is mainly focused on a man looking as though he is battling with himself and his emotions, which connects to the song as the lyrics are explaining a battle for a relationship that has been damaged by the fact that the love interest is in a coma: “Say something I’m not giving up on you, I’ll stay as long as I need to” “Listen to me reminiscing and let love guide you” “If you could open your eyes” “I don’t know where you are In your mind but listen to your soul Trying to find its way back to your heart From the car to the ER Just think of me and pull yourself back to creation”

5 Representations The lyrics on the previous page link to various representations. Such as: The flowers growing throughout the video in an artificial room which could represent the hospital/coma; and the colour represents the life that is in her somewhere. The man dancing in the video also has tattoos/drawings of a brain, heart and lungs, this could represent the love interests possible injuries. He also has eyes drawn/tattooed onto his palms which link with the lyrics of “if you could open your eyes”.

6 Audience I think the target audience for this song would be people ranging from about 15 to late 20s. This is because it is a fairly complicated video to decipher and younger people may not understand it or enjoy the music. I also think people over late 20s may not enjoy it as they are a current band and people tend to grow up with the style of music that’s around when they are younger.

7 Institutions

8 Technology There are sections with low light strobe lighting, which contrast with the high lighting in some sections of the video. There is some slow motion parts of the band which could represent the feeling of shock when something happens suddenly – in this case it goes with the lyrics “from the car to the ER”. However they also happen before these lyrics which may indicate the tension. There is a mix of slow and fast shots which show the explosion of different emotions and panic as well as the slow parts indicating the love the man has for her. The dark shots indicate the feeling of being lost, and inside the woman’s mind – dark because she is in a coma with mixes of colour on flowers and powder paint showing the life that is in her somewhere.

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