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FY14-19 Recommended Infrastructure and Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP)

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Presentation on theme: "FY14-19 Recommended Infrastructure and Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP)"— Presentation transcript:

1 FY14-19 Recommended Infrastructure and Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP)
Good evening, Mr. Mayor and City Councilors: The final budget presentation is the Recommended Infrastructure and Capital Improvement Plan otherwise known as the ICIP Presented by: Olivia Padilla-Jackson on May 7, 2013

2 Topics of Discussion Introduction to ICIP
Capital Spending and Financing Summary FY14 Capital Budget Project Highlights Funding Strategies Improvements to ICIP

3 Introduction to the ICIP
Requires Governing Body approval Acts as a planning and financial management document Provides a multi-year projection of capital needs and financing requirements Provides authority for spending in FY14

4 Capital Spending Summary: FY14-19
100 projects $291 million estimated cost $454 million or 61% decrease from last year ‘Projects Under Consideration’ List: $377 million $4.3 million in capital requests for FY14 The Infrastructure and Capital Improvement Plan for FY14 through FY19, includes a total of 100 projects prioritized by each Department The estimated cost of the total 6-year plan is $291 million. The Process we follow is in line with best practices and that is: Identify present and future capital needs working with the Departments Determine costs of the projects Prioritize the projects Develop financing strategies An additional $377 million in capital project needs have been established in the ‘Projects Under Consideration’ list and are considered deferred due to lack of funding

5 Capital Spending: General Fund
The next three slides, slides 5 through 7 present Historical Actual, and Planned Capital Spending broken down by type of fund (General Fund , Special Funds, and Utility Funds) Slide 5- Shows Capital Spending: from the General Fund and General Fund Transfers Capital Project spending supported by General Operating Sources varies greatly depending on overall revenue and reserve levels . In good economic times the General Fund can afford more capital spending. The ICIP over the next 6 years incorporates approximately $2 million in non recurring General Operating Sources for vehicle and equipment replacement, Police vehicle replacement, and Pavement Preservation. Direct General Fund capital expenditures typically consists of items such as equipment and software for governmental operations. Current accounting practice is to transfer any general fund support for building/facility improvements and vehicle and heavy equipment acquisition to special funds. The FY14 ICIP includes $27,000 in new General Fund appropriations for a combination Cardiac Monitor/Defibrillator. The FY14 ICIP also includes $294,577 in new General Fund transfers to special funds for computer equipment, vehicle replacements, City facility improvements, and Pavement preservation. Lastly, the FY14 ICIP includes $274,637 in General Fund transfer rollovers from prior year appropriations to special funds.

6 Capital Spending: Special Funds
Slide 6-Capital Spending: Special Funds 15 year history of Special funds capital expenditures FY14 includes $685,355 in new appropriations and an estimated $13,369,284 in project rollover funds and other anticipated sources. An estimated $115 million in capital expenditures will be deferred under the plan due to lack of identifiable funding through FY19. -2007: $13,801,549 of expenditures from Fund 327 for 2005 GRT Bond for New City Hall construction (31% of total) -2010: $9,389,830 of expenditures from Fund GO Road Bond (24% of total) and $9,889,030 from Fund 306 ARRA funds for Paseo del Volcan roadway construction (26% of total) -2015: $6,558,807 of planned expenditures are for anticipated GO Bond for police vehicle replacement, fire apparatus replacement, and roadway construction (36% of total) *An estimated $115 million in capital expenditures are deferred due to lack of funding through Fiscal Year 2019

7 Capital Spending: Utility Funds
Slide 8-Capital Spending: Utility Funds 15 year history of Utility funds expenditures FY14 includes $3,271,881 in new appropriations and an estimated $33,212,320 in project rollover funds and other anticipated sources. An estimated $42.8 million in capital expenditures will be deferred under the plan due to lack of identifiable funding through FY19. *An estimated $42.8 million in capital expenditures are deferred due to lack of funding through Fiscal Year 2019

8 FY14 Recommended Budget $4,315,813

9 ICIP Project Highlights
Fire and Rescue: FY14 Recommended Budget: $65,037 Replacement fire engine via a combination of cash and proposed debt financing: Public Safety Impact Fees: $25,422 Proposed Loan: $474,578 (estimated average annual debt service: $52,093) Replacement cardiac monitor/defibrillator: $27,000 Replacement gurney: $12,615 Police: FY14 Recommended Budget: $139,750 20 replacement police vehicles (including equipping) via proposed debt financing: $831,640 (estimated average annual debt service: $171,981) Angel Communications Tower Relocation: $100,000 Police motorcycle: $29,800 Quantum vehicle storage fencing: $9,950 Fire and Rescue: Fire engine (page 2 and 36) Public Safety Impact Fees: $25,422 Fire Fund Pledge: $474,578 Cardiac Monitor/Defibrillator (page 39) General Fund: $27,000 Gurney (page 39) EMS Fund/State grant: $12,615 Police : Police Vehicles-State shared GRT Pledge (pages 2, 15, 29) Angel Tower Relocation-This will change with Corrales SAP in 2013 Legislative session (pages 3 and 28) Public Safety Impact Fees: $25,000 Cell Tower revenue for remaining City share: $27,000 JPA Revenue: $48,000 Police Motorcycle-Traffic Enforcement revenue (page 30) Quantum Storage Fencing-Cell Tower revenue (page 25)

10 ICIP Project Highlights, continued
Transportation: FY14 Recommended Budget: $385,000 Pavement Preservation: $200,000 UNM West Street Lighting: $100,000 Portion of right of way acquisition for Unser Boulevard Phase IIB-Cherry Road to Paseo del Volcan: Acquisition to commence in Spring/Summer of 2013 Idalia Road Reconstruction from NM Hwy 528 to Iris Road: Design to commence in Spring/Summer 2013 Drainage: FY14 Recommended Budget: $99,680 Los Milagros Channel Improvements: Design commenced in Fiscal Year 2013, construction to follow City Center Drainage Plan: $55,000 (Cooperative effort with Sandoval County Arroyo Flood Control Authority) Transportation Pavement Preservation-General Fund Transfer (pages 3 and 87) UNM West Street Lighting-Higher Education GRT revenue (page 93) Unser Phase IIB Portion of Right of Way is not an FY14 appropriation request, but rather is a project moving forward in FY14 utilizing: Federal Grant: $880,222 2009 GO Road Bond funds: $150,000 (page 3) Idalia Road Reconstruction is not an FY14 appropriation request, but rather is a project moving forward in FY14 utilizing: Federal Grant: $1,655,830 Road Impact Fee Funds: $282,173 (pages 3 and 90) Drainage Los Milagros Channel Improvements is not an FY14 appropriation request, but rather is a project moving forward in FY14 utilizing: Contributions and Donations: $19,240 Drainage Impact Fee sources: $280,114 (pages 6 and 74) City Center Drainage Plan (pages 6 and 76) Drainage Impact Fee Funds: $55,000 Sandoval County Arroyo Flood Control Authority Contribution: $55,000 (estimated)

11 ICIP Project Highlights, continued
Water: FY14 Recommended Budget: $2,413,932 Continued acquisition of water rights: $1,226,531 Repair/rehabilitation of wells: $503,751 Vehicles and heavy equipment: $181,750 Wastewater: FY14 Recommended Budget: $848,304 Wastewater Treatment Plant 2A and 3 Rebuild: $583,000 Replace membrane filters at Wastewater Treatment Plants 5 and 6: $100,000 Vehicles and heavy equipment: $154,000 Water Water Rights-Water Rights Acquisition Fee (pages 4 and 103) Repair/Rehab Wells (page 104): Operating Fund Transfer: $286,197 Environmental GRT revenue: $217,554 Vehicles and Heavy Equipment-Operating Fund Transfer (page 109) Wastewater Wastewater Treatment Plant 2A and 3 (page120): Operating Fund: $583,000 Membrane Filters-WWTP 5 and 6 (page 129): Operating Fund Transfer: $100,000 Vehicles and Heavy Equipment (page 116): Operating Fund Transfer: $154,000

12 ICIP Project Highlights, continued
Parks and Recreation: FY14 Recommended Budget: $217,120 Meadowlark Senior Center Parking Lot: Construction to commence in Fiscal Year 2014 New Senior Center: Design in progress for multiple construction phases A Park Above: $190,836. Design in progress utilizing State Appropriations Other Departments and Equipment: FY14 Recommended Budget: $146,990 Animal Control truck box: $18,000 Code Enforcement truck replacement: $14,500 Vehicles and heavy Equipment via proposed debt financing: $592,890 City facility improvements, including: Animal Control Natural Gas Line Extension: $41,100 Motor Vehicle Surveillance/Security Camera Installation: $15,000 Parks and Recreation: Meadowlark Senior Center Parking Lot is not an FY14 appropriation request, but rather is a project moving forward in FY14 utilizing: State Appropriations: $912,600 Federal CDBG: $23,000 (pages 5 and 47) New Senior Center is not an FY14 appropriation request, but rather is a project moving forward in FY14 utilizing: State Appropriations: $328,091 (page 48) A Park Above-Park Impact Fee Funds: $190,836 (pages 6 and 50) Other Departments and Equipment: Animal Control Box-General Operating Transfer: $18,000. $35,000 in General Operating Transfers will roll over from FY13 for a total of $53,000 for one truck replacement (pages 20 and 21) Code Enforcement-General Operating Transfer: $14,500 (pages 20 and 21) Vehicles and Heavy Equipment-Municipal Gas Tax Pledge (pages 6, 20, and 21) City Facility Improvements: General Fund Operating Transfer: $52,432 Cell Tower revenue: $3,668 (page 23)

13 Capital Funding Strategies
Pay as you Go Strategies: Utility operating funds Grant and other special funds Water Rights Surcharge revenue Impact Fees Use of non-recurring General Fund dollars Debt Financing: General Obligation Bonds (2 year cycle) Utility Bond and Loans (Annual rate increases) GRT Revenue Bonds (capacity limited)

14 Proposed Improvements to the ICIP
FY13 Final ICIP: Phase I Changes Facility Category Introductory Section Describes Inventory of Assets, Capacity, Condition, Long Range Plans Discusses funding sources and recent historical expenditure information FY14 ICIP: Phase II Changes ‘Projects Under Consideration’ list of deferred capital projects Funding constraint based on 5 year financial planning forecast Continued development of Infrastructure Financing Toolkit Dedicated revenue streams for capital Established GO and NMFA loan cycles, and non-recurring General Fund sources Established a financing plan for Police Vehicle and Fire Apparatus Replacement (reference page 15)

15 FY14-FY19 ICIP Keyword Search: ICIP
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