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Republic to Empire.

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1 Republic to Empire

2 Julius Caesar

3 Julius Caesar-The Struggle
Julius Caesar was kidnapped by Sicilian pirates for ransom in 75 B.C (Age 25)----Not making this up He maintained a friendly relationship, playing games and joking, but all the while telling them he intended to track them down and kill them once he was released… He did. By crucifixion.

4 First Triumvirate (60 BCE)
Julius Caesar- conquered all of Gaul & added to the Republic More popular with the people; married to Pompey’s Daughter Gnaeus Pompey- conquered Syria & parts of Asia Minor Licinius Crassus- one of the wealthiest men in Rome Military & Military & Money


6 First Triumvirate Crassus dies, leading Pompey & Caesar facing off in a Civil War (44 BCE) Why? Pompey jealous of Caesar’s Accomplishments & Popularity Pompey & Senate demanded Caesar return as a Private Citizen; No Army

7 Crossing the Rubicon Caesar had a decision to make
Following the Senate’s orders = powerlessness before Pompey Disobeying the Senate’s orders = Violating Roman law Rubicon River River in northern Italy Tradition and law said that soldiers had to disband before crossing this river into Italy “Alea iacta est!” :The die is cast. He led his troops across the Rubicon River, an act of civil war Once he crossed the river, he could not take back his decision to face (and fight) Pompey

8 Caesar v. Pompey Chases Pompey to Greece
Pompey has more troops, but makes terrible decisions Defeated, Pompey flees to Egypt Ptolemy XIII killed Pompey & delivered his head to Caesar on a stake In Egypt, meets Cleopatra & restores her to power---Illegitimate Child ensues!

9 Caesar’s Accomplishments
Adopted a program of public works. Distributed public lands to Roman citizens. Granted Roman citizenship to many people in Rome’s provinces. Reformed provincial governments. Reformed the calendar (the “Julian” calendar with 365 days and an extra day during leap years). Reorganized the Roman system of coinage.

10 Success Didn’t Last Caesar demanded the Senate name him Dictator for Life---Disregarding the 6 month limit Senate disliked his reforms, thought he threatened their power Believed he would name himself King To prevent this, a group of Senators conspired to kill him Stabbed at least 23 times, on floor of the Senate!


12 Second Triumvirate (43 BCE)
Octavian- Caesar’s adopted son & heir, Biological Nephew Marc Antony- Loyal Officer, Good Friend of Caesar Lepidus- High Priest Lepidus pushed aside, Octavian & Marc Antony split the Roman Empire in half Peace doesn’t last

13 Octavian v. Marc Antony Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, allies herself with Marc Antony Cause of Conflict between Pompey & Caesar, now Octavian & Marc Antony Octavian mad that she chose Marc Antony, even though she had been with his Uncle----Strange.

14 Octavian v. Marc Antony Octavian defeats Marc Antony & Cleopatra at Actium Marc Antony & Cleopatra commit Double-Suicide Marc Antony & Cleopatra had children—Boys & Girls Octavian had to make a decision… Killed the boys; Why? Octavian in Sole Control Effectively Ends the Roman Republic

15 Octavian to Augustus 1st Task-Restoring Order in Rome & its Provinces
Wanted a Dictatorship, but knew how Romans felt about Kings/All-Powerful rulers (see:Caesar, J.) Decided against returning to a Republic Created new political order, the Empire Reality-Had majority of Power, but allowed the Senate some semblance of relevance


17 Octavian to Augustus Senate gave Octavian a title of honor
Augustus-Revered One Religious honor, name by which he is known today

Octavian during Republic Death of Marc Antony & Cleopatra Established new political order, Empire Senate gave him new name Augustus, Revered One Augustus Became the 1st Roman Emperor THUS…OCTAVIAN-AUGUSTUS=SAME MAN!

19 Pax Romana

20 Pax Romana Period that lasted from the Beginning of Augustus’ reign until the death of the last Good Emperor 27 BCE-180 CE Known as the Roman Peace ***Characterized by Stable Government, Strong Legal System, Widespread Trade & Peace***

21 Pax Romana-Government
Strongest uniting force in the Empire Divided into provinces, each ruled by Governors appointed from Rome Fairer & more efficient than Republic Uniformity- Cities governed in imitation of Rome (Senate, Assembly, Theatres, Public Baths, Temples) From Britain to Asia Minor

22 Pax Romana-Legal System
Roman Law unified the Empire Stability achieved by Laws passing Assemblies, Senate, or the Emperor Specificed what could & could not be done, as well as punishments (Think of the Twelve Tables!) Applied throughout the Empire

23 Pax Romana-Legal System
Civil Law-form of Law based on written code Sound familiar? Adopted by many European countries following the Fall of the Roman Empire Carried this system of laws into their colonies in Africa, Asia & the Americas Many of these countries have Governments based on Civil Law today What about the U.S.?

24 Pax Romana-Trade & Transportation
Rome & Alexandria served as Empire’s commercial centers Alexandria esp. important; produced grain surpluses that fed city of Rome Trade possible b/c Empire’s location on Mediterranean & Roads! 50,000 miles of road binding Empire together “All Roads Lead to Rome” Literally true

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