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Interoperability of Digital Repositories

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1 Interoperability of Digital Repositories
Yoshimi Interoperability of Digital Repositories 2-4 December 2009

2 Outline J-PARC project KEKCC KEK iRODS Future plan Summary
3rd Dec, 2009 J-PARC repository

3 J-PARC projects J-PARC (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex)
Aim to pursue frontier science in particle physics, nuclear physics, materials science, life science and nuclear technology, using a new proton accelerator complex at the highest beam power in the world A joint project by JAEA (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) and KEK Some experiments started from December 2008 Tokai (J-PARC) 60km J-PARC, Japan proton accelerator research complex, is one of the main projects of KEK, and it’s a joint project by JAEA (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) and KEK. It aims to pursue frontier science using a new proton accelerator complex at the highest beam power in the world. J-PARC is located at Tokai which is about 60km north from KEK Tsukuba. The approved experiments was conducted at 6 neutron instruments and one muon instruments from last December. Tsukuba (KEK) Tokyo Narita Airport 3rd Dec, 2009 J-PARC repository 3

4 J-PARC projects 20~50TB/year raw data storage simulated raw data data
3rd Dec, 2009 J-PARC repository

5 J-PARC projects J-PARC storage not large enough
too secure to access from outside storage @J-PARC raw data simulated data raw data simulated data Raw data is used once After processing, move to KEK storage Simulated data is shared by collaborators Replicate between J-PARC and KEK After 1 month, delete from J-PARC 3rd Dec, 2009 J-PARC repository

6 Central Computing System (KEKCC) since Mar. 2009
Computing Server J-PARC Tokai campus router Work Server HPSS Disk Storage GRID Systems JPARC-FW router At KEK, we renewed central computing system, called KEKCC on last month. New KEKCC contains the 80 computing nodes with quad core, the tape library system with the maximum capacity of 3PB, the disk storage of 200TB and the grid system such as gLite, NAREGI and iRODS. It is set up the outside of KEK FW, and has original FW. As a result, we came to be able to correspond to the communication with foreign institutions flexibly. The communication with KEK LAN and J-PARC LAN is through the router. It opens only the ports of necessary service, so we provide a safe and high-speed communication with both sides. SINET3 KEKCC-FW KEK intra DMZ KEK-FW 3rd Dec, 2009 J-PARC repository 6

7 KEKCC HPSS Tape library of 3PB in the maximum capacity and cache disk of 10TB Access methods ClientAPI, pfhp good transfer speed need to install the HPSS package use many ports and difficult to access from outside of KEK scp easy to use and access from outside of KEK not enough speed iRODS can manage storage across J-PARC and KEK allow access from outside of KEK need to install iRODS package 3rd Dec, 2009 J-PARC repository

8 KEKCC HPSS Data transfer between KEK and J-PARC KEK J-PARC Client HPSS
pftp put: 26MB/s HPSS pftp get: 33MB/s work server scp: 24MB/s ssh scp: 4MB/s iput: 43MB/s iRODS server iRODS iget: 40MB/s 3rd Dec, 2009 J-PARC repository

9 KEK iRODS Postgres server HPSS-VFS iRODS server DB server
(ICAT) HPSS (Tape library) Postgres server IBM x3650 QX5460 (4 core) Memory 8GB HDD 293.6GB RHEL 5.2 Postgres 8.2.5 iRODS server × 2 IBM x3650 QX5460 (4 core) Memory 8GB HDD 293.6GB + 600GB Scientific Linux 4 iRODS 2.1 HPSS-VFS client GPFS client HPSS TS3500 HPSS p 3PB in maximum (3000 vols) 10TB cache disk 10 tape drives 5 movers 2 VFS servers 3rd Dec, 2009 J-PARC repository 9

10 KEK iRODS On iRODS server On KEKCC firewall On iRODS client irods port
iRODS server and client On iRODS server irods port communication ports On KEKCC firewall https port On iRODS client just out going KEK intra J-PARC KEKCC Internet 3rd Dec, 2009 J-PARC repository 10

11 KEK iRODS Client tools i-commands JUX (Java Application)
default client JUX (Java Application) Davis (Web Application) 3rd Dec, 2009 J-PARC repository

12 KEK iRODS JUX (Java Universal eXplorer) Presented by Pascal yesterday
Graphical file management Linux, Windows trying Mac 3rd Dec, 2009 J-PARC repository

13 KEK iRODS Davis (A webDAV-iRODS/SRB gateway)
Useful for a small laboratory in a university don’t need a special software use only http or https port 3rd Dec, 2009 J-PARC repository

14 KEK iRODS Wiki page in Japanese what is iRODS how to use at KEK
how to install how to make rule how to make MS 3rd Dec, 2009 J-PARC repository

15 KEK iRODS Testing at 2 experimental groups
set a policy for each groups make some rules and micro-service support for group administrator Real use will start from next spring 3rd Dec, 2009 J-PARC repository

16 Future plan Set up multi iRODS server
Now: running 1 iRODS on 2 machine (active & standby) running the iRODS for each experiment in order to change the writing user to HPSS for each experiment group in order to avoid the influence of the congestion of other experiment groups iRODS server iRODS-A iRODS-B : iRODS-B iRODS-A : iRODS-C iRODS-D : iRODS-D iRODS-C : iRODS server 3rd Dec, 2009 J-PARC repository

17 Summary J-PARC projects KEK iRODS Future plan
A joint project by JAEA and KEK at Tokai Data archive at KEK HPSS KEK iRODS Good data transfer between Tokai and Tsukuba Provide a GUI and Web application and wiki page Future plan Set up the multi iRODS server Continue support for user 3rd Dec, 2009 J-PARC repository

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