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2010 ISA Voice of the Customer Preliminary Results Discussion

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Presentation on theme: "2010 ISA Voice of the Customer Preliminary Results Discussion"— Presentation transcript:

1 2010 ISA Voice of the Customer Preliminary Results Discussion
December 16, 2010 © 2010 Beyond ROI, Inc. • •

2 Conversation points How we got here Research methodology
Responses to date Preliminary findings A few significant issues to discuss Next steps…

3 How did we get here? Galina and Ben were our pioneers in ‘09-’10
Team created LeaderView® to ID survey topics (35 responses) LeaderView guided PowerView® design Mirror-image PowerView surveys Included up to 10 clients/ISA firm Anonymity was assured

4 Research Methodology PowerView Survey Sections:
Getting engaged – 6 ea. Working together – 5 ea. Developing a partnership – 6 ea. Delivering results – 6 ea. Technology, talent, and the future – 9 ea. Priorities for our relationships 70 items 30 items


6 Responses to Date 73 of 108 (68% response) from 73 different companies
17% Senior executive 6% Department or function manager 23% HR or training executive 48% HR or training manager 7% Other 98 of 108 (91% response) from 32 people at 12 ISA member firms

7 What clients are saying:
On Getting Engaged: “I can't think of anything they haven't done already. They are very proactive and supportive. They have never said "can't do it" and their service is superb.” – an Organizational Development Specialist On Working Together: “Honestly, the engagements I have with everyone on the XYZ team, particularly via phone, are fantastic. The XYZ folks are engaging, keenly interested in me, what's happening in my life at work and at home, and are willing to spend time talking about needs and opportunities.” – an HR Executive

8 What clients are saying:
On Developing a Partnership: “This interchange of ideas, strategy, and overall partnership is something that she and I have developed. I don't have that type of relationship with any others.” – a Senior Executive On Developing a Partnership: “They have been very supportive, and we are now waiting for our two year pilot to run its course and see what impact our training is having.” – an Organizational Development Specialist

9 Quick Poll: Question: Given that we have two views of the working relationship between ISAers and our clients, what do you think we found overall? Clients viewed relationships STRONGER than ISAers Clients and ISAers indicated SAME Clients viewed relationships WEAKER than ISAers

10 The Big Picture: Client View vs. ISA View
Research Notes: Overall Average: calculated for 17 indicators of role, relationship, and value Is this a real difference? Yes. Hypothesis Test of Independent Groups p < for (t-test, two-tailed, pooled 32 d.f. with +/- 3.0% standard error) Poll Question: Given that we have two sides/views of the working relationship between ISA firm/client, overall, what do you think we found? Clients viewed relationships STRONGER than ISAers Clients and ISAers indicated SAME Clients viewed relationships WEAKER than ISAers

11 How should we approach customer feedback?
#1: Observation Q: What does it say? (facts) #2: Interpretation Q: What does it mean? (implications) #3: Application Q: What should we do about it? (action)

12 Graph 1: Top Areas of Strength and Alignment

13 Graph 2: Areas with the Lowest Scores
Discussion Point: Who’s surprised? How does this compare to your experience with your clients? Chat Poll: Why do you think it’s low…and there’s such a big gap? (this was the largest difference of all 17 areas)?

14 Graph 3: Where are the biggest gaps?
Explain carefully, they’re used to seeing two-bar, this is different: Percent Difference

15 What clients are saying:
On Delivering Results: “Keep the pressure applied as to how we've used the tools provided.” – a Senior HR Director On Delivering Results: “We have measured the outcomes of each class based on survey. What is missing is measuring how that has truly impacted individuals in their day to day jobs.” – an HR Executive

16 Delivering Measured Results
PowerView Question: “In the last 12 months, have you, (ISA firm), or a third party, actually measured the results of (ISA firm’s) training solutions?” Chat Poll: What are the implications of this for us?

17 Open chat: What are the possible implications of this pattern?

18 Is there a connection between Results and Relationships?
PowerView Question: “In the last 12 months, have you, (ISA firm), or a third party, actually measured the results of (ISA firm’s) training solutions?” “No” “Yes”

19 Comparison: Measured Results and Relationship Strength

20 What clients are saying:
On Technology-based Delivery: “I've had conversations with her about putting together a 4 hour session. She has shared with me the need for a full day. We are looking at a combined experience where we do some training online and combine it with a 4 hour classroom experience.” – an HR Executive

21 Blended Delivery in 2011 PowerView Question: “How important is it that your learning partners provide a variety of LEARNING MODALITIES? (i.e., classroom, blended learning, e-learning, etc.)”

22 Quick Poll: Please pick the TOP THREE factors that may be driving a shift to TECHNOLOGY-BASED delivery in your firm reduced travel costs remoteness of learners consistency of program delivery speed of delivery line execs' demands HR managers demands experimentation utilization of technical capabilities you’ve already invested in (i.e., an LMS platform)

23 Technology-based Delivery in 2011
PowerView Question: “Please pick the TOP THREE factors that may be driving a shift to TECHNOLOGY-BASED delivery in your firm.” Poll Question: You pick top three, then we’ll compare to actual.

24 Quick Poll: In 2011, compared to the past few years, what will your firm do to generally upgrade employees’ skill levels? Budgets will decrease somewhat Budgets will remain flat Budgets will increase somewhat

25 Budgets for 2011 PowerView Question: “In 2011, compared to the past few years, what will your firm do to generally upgrade employees’ skill levels?” Poll Question: Increase, same, decrease???

26 What clients are saying about Priorities:
“Be proactive about aligning our business objectives with your solution sets and overall offerings.” – Training Manager “Continue to provide the solid advice and recommendations they currently provide.” – Senior Executive “Look at the broader business issues facing today's companies and help leadership connect the dots by being a trusted advisor and offerings solutions that will drive business results.” – an HR Manager

27 Priorities in our Relationship
PowerView Question: “Which issues are the MOST IMPORTANT to you in your relationship with (ISA firm)? Please pick your TOP THREE priorities for a productive partnership with (ISA firm).”

28 Breakout discussions:
Given the apparent Catch-22, what are 4 key actions we can take at this critical planning time to strengthen our positions?

29 Next Steps Still time to participate! Lois, Pam, or Ron for details You can see the survey first, if you’re curious We’ll close the survey January 31, 2011 We’ll discuss findings and implications at the ABR Comprehensive reports for ISAers who participate and clients who requested a copy

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