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International Development Policy in 2005

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1 International Development Policy in 2005
Government of the Republic of Zambia’s National Consultation on the Commission for Africa Richard Montgomery, Lusaka 1st December

2 Overview International policy consensus? The 2005 MDG Review: renewed international commitment? Some key (contentious?) issues Zambian Voices The 2005 process

3 The International Development Policy Agenda – A Fragile Consensus
The Millennium Development Goals Debt relief (HIPC) & Trade reform Monterrey Commitments on Aid Volumes and Delivery behind PRSPs Specific commitments to support the New Partnership for Africa (NEPAD) Conflict Reduction and Global Security

4 Why a CfA for 2005? United Nations MDG Review
Are the G8 delivering on their promise to support NEPAD? (G8 Africa Action Plan) UK Presidency of the G8 and European Union


6 UN Millennium Project – Independent Submission to the 2005 UN Review
Massive scaling up of Aid to meet needs 100% debt cancellation for PRSP countries Focus on Investment Clusters (what works) Fulfil existing commitments Some naming and shaming

7 Open to criticism Can countries ‘absorb’ extra aid on this scale, and so quickly? Will aid be used efficiently, particularly in States with weak public expenditure management systems? Aid is seen as more effective in some countries rather than others – no uniform approach?

8 Some key (contentious?) issues
How to scale up aid volume? (New financing commitments: IFF) Not just aid volumes, but how aid is delivered (harmonisation, budget support, versus project aid) Conditionality Debt relief: 100% cancellation? Trade and the Doha Round

9 Zambian Voices Scope for scaling up aid? (eg. The Medium Term Expenditure Framework has gaps) Not just aid volumes, but how donors operate and behave? (eg. Proposed Aid Policy; preferred forms of aid?) Conditionality: Controversy over the ‘Present Rules of the Game’ (eg. HIPC, PRGF, Budget Support Conditions) Debt Relief (eg. HIPC originated in the Jubilee Campagin: what next?)


11 The 2005 Process Not just a Zambian submission to the CfA (that’s only one route) Other International fora Via Regional blocs (SADC, AU, the NEPAD process); Via international blocs & UN Lobbying donors and their Headquarters International civil society channels – eg. the debt campaign; the Churches.

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