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c “Shi‘ite Century” Isma‘ilis: Carmathians in Bahrayn (until 1077)

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Presentation on theme: "c “Shi‘ite Century” Isma‘ilis: Carmathians in Bahrayn (until 1077)"— Presentation transcript:

1 c “Shi‘ite Century” Isma‘ilis: Carmathians in Bahrayn (until 1077) Fatimids in Egypt, N. Africa, parts of southern Syria (until 1171) Sulayhids in Yemen ( ) Nizaris (Assassins) in Persia (until 1256) and Syria (until 1273) Twelvers: Buyids in Iraq and W. Iran (until 1055) Hamdanids in N. Syria (late 10th c) Plus various others, including the Zaydis

2 874 Twelfth Imam of Twelvers goes into
Lesser Concealment 941 Twelfth Imam of Twelvers goes into Greater Concealment Twelfth Imam: Provides guidance through dreams and visions Delegated judicial matters to legal scholars Will return before Day of Judgment

3 1130 Death of caliph al-Amir
(r ). Fatimids accept al-Hafiz (r ) except Tayyibis of Yemen, who follow al-Tayyib. Later many migrate to Gujarat Fatimids Musta‘lis Nizaris (Assassins) Tayyibis (until 1171) da’i mutlaq = chief missionary

4 1256 Destruction of Alamut, Nizari Imams and Persian
Nizaris (Assassins) by Mongols. Imams and followers go into hiding. Persecution of those discovered leads many to migrate to W. India 1273 Mamluks destroy Syrian Nizaris 18th c. Nizari Imams re-appear in Persia 1830s/1840s Imam (Aga Khan) clashes with rulers of Persia, emigrates to India Late 19th-early 20th c. Many Nizaris emigrate to E. Africa

5 10th c. Isma‘ilis incorporating Neoplatonism,
Gnosticism and other philosophical and cosmological ideas into theology Imam = “Speaking Qur’an” Qur’an = “Silent Qur’an”

6 Early Twelvers Later Twelvers
(via Mu‘tazilites) Prefer hadith from Prefer reason, family of al-Husayn reject most hadith God’s attributes exist God’s attributes metaphorical Humans predestined Human free-will Qur’an distorted Undistorted Qur’an

7 Some Twelver Views Reduced importance of Friday noon prayer (until 20th c.) Suspension of offensive jihad Pilgrimages Differences in inheritance law Differences in marriage law incl. temporary marriages

8 Ibn Babawayhi (c ) Abu Ja‘far Muhammad ibn Abi’l-Hasan ‘Ali ibn Babawayhi al-Qummi, a.k.a. Ibn Babuya a.k.a. al-Saduq Twelver Shi‘ite theologian and jurist From Khurasan. Said to have been born in response to prayer to Hidden Imam made by father, who was a merchant Taught in Baghdad and served Buyid rulers

9 Ibn Babawayhi (c ) Said to have written about 200 works. Best known for six works on Twelver Shi‘ite theology and law: 1. Man La Yahdaruhu al-Faqih 2. Ikmal al-Din 3. Kitab al-Amali 4. Kitab al-Tawhid 5. ‘Uyun Akhbar al-Rida’ 6. Risalat al-I‘tiqadat (from which these extracts taken)

10 Ibn Battuta (1304-btw and 1377) Shams al-Din Abu ‘Abd Allah Muhammad ibn ‘Abd Allah ibn Battuta al-Tanji Sunni Muslim from Tangier in N. Africa Travelled widely btw and Got as far east as China, as far south as N. Africa and as far north as the Golden Horde, incl. 3 hajjs to Mecca Left account of travels, the Rihla, edited (and probably elaborated) by Ibn Juzayy

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