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Entropy & Energy Quality

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1 Entropy & Energy Quality
2nd law: Energy of higher quality can be converted completely into lower quality form. But not vice versa. Energy quality Q measures the versatility of different energy forms.

2 Entropy  Carnot cycle (reversible processes): C = any closed path
Qh = heat absorbed Qc = heat rejected lukewarm: can’t do W, Q  Qh , Qc = heat absorbed C = any closed path Irreversible processes can’t be represented by a path. S = entropy [ S ] = J / K

3 Entropy  Contour = sum of Carnot cycles.
Carnot cycle (reversible processes): Qh = heat absorbed Qc = heat rejected Qh , Qc = heat absorbed lukewarm: can’t do W, Q  C = Carnot cycle C = any closed path Irreversible processes can’t be represented by a path. S = entropy [ S ] = J / K Contour = sum of Carnot cycles.

4 S = 0 over any closed path
 S21 + S12= 0  S21 = S21 Entropy change is path-independent. ( S is a thermodynamic variable )

5 Entropy in Carnot Cycle
Ideal gas: Heat absorbed: Heat rejected: Adiabatic processes:

6 Irreversible Heat Transfer
Cold & hot water can be mixed reversibly using extra heat baths. T1 = some medium T. reversible processes T2 = some medium T. Actual mixing, irreversible processes

7 Adiabatic Free Expansion
Adiabatic  Qad.exp. = 0 S can be calculated by any reversible process between the same states. isothermal p = const. Can’t do work Q degraded.

8 Entropy & Availability of Work
Before adiabatic expansion, gas can do work isothermally After adiabatic expansion, gas cannot do work, while its entropy increases by In a general irreversible process Coolest T in system

9 A Statistical Interpretation of Entropy
Gas of 2 molecules occupying 2 sides of a box Microstates Macrostates probability of macrostate 1/4 2 ¼ = ½ 1/4

10 probability of macrostate
Gas of 4 molecules occupying 2 sides of a box Microstates Macrostates probability of macrostate 1/16 = 0.06 4 1/16 = ¼ =0.25 6 1/16 = 3/8 = 0.38 4 1/16 = ¼ =0.25 1/16 = 0.06

11 Gas of 100 molecules Gas of 1023 molecules Equal distribution of molecules Statistical definition of entropy :  # of micro states

12 Entropy & the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics
in any closed system S can decrease in an open system by outside work on it. However, S  0 for combined system.  S  0 in the universe Universe tends to disorder Life ?

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