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Energy in Ecosystems.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy in Ecosystems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy in Ecosystems

2 Ecosystem An array of organisms and their physical environment, all of which interact through a flow or energy and a cycling of nutrients

3 Energy Flow Energy is passed through an ecosystem in distinct feeding or trophic levels Producers Primary Consumers Secondary Consumers Decomposers

4 Producers Producers acquire their energy from sunlight (photoautotprophs) or inorganic substance (chemoautotrophs) These organisms are considered Autotrophs or ‘self feeders’ that build their own organic molecules using carbon dioxide and energy from the sun or inorganic substances

5 Primary Consumers Primary Consumers (Herbivores) acquire their energy from producers while Theses organisms are considered Heterotrophs or ‘other feeders’ that can’t make their own organic molecules but must acquire them from other organism

6 Secondary Consumers Secondary Consumers (Carnivores) acquire their energy from primary consumers

7 Decomposers Decomposers are a special class of consumers that acquire their energy from the remains of other organisms

8 Energy Structure 1st Law of Thermodynamics
Energy can’t be created or destroyed, but can be transferred from one form to another 2nd Law of Thermodynamics During each energy transfer energy is not transferred with 100% efficiency and some is lost as heat

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