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Welcome to Back to School Night! Wednesday, September 5th, 2018

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Back to School Night! Wednesday, September 5th, 2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Back to School Night! Wednesday, September 5th, 2018
Mrs. joaNN Lawall

2 Communication Check website
is a good way to share concerns and ask questions. PTO Link if you join this evening, you will receive a free notepad! Fundraiser this year

3 Please sign and leave on your child’s desk….
PED paper Confidentiality Form Class Survey

4 Mrs. Lawall’s Background
Teaching for the last 22 years – from pre-school to high school; most experience in 4th & 5th grades; completed an Interim Principal position for a maternity leave at Wrightstown Elementary for the first half of school year Studied at University of Pennsylvania, LaSalle U, Gratz College, Temple U & HFU Certified Elementary, Early Childhood, Special Education, Middle School Math & PA School Leadership Also taught recreational and competitive gymnastics for over 20 years Technology Coach at Goodnoe; co-chair the Tech Committee; Reading Olympics Coach Love to travel and read books and I have an extensive Starbucks mug collection! Raised 3 daughters who were all educated here in Council Rock School District married to Ken, self-employed, real estate Oldest, Tara is married and a recently moved to a Group Creative Director position in Brooklyn, NY (U of Maryland; Temple; Miami Ad School); mother to Cora, 2 years old Second, Tracy is living in Yardley, PA and is a Physical Therapist, in Lawrenceville, NJ (Temple & U of Miami); she is married and hoping to start a family soon! Youngest, Jessica is married and works at Comprehensive Physical Therapy in Newtown, PA and she is having a baby in two days!

5 Reading Workshop Journeys Literacy Program Reader’s Notebook
Strategies to build comprehension, writing skills using a wide-variety of literature with small and whole group instruction Builds independence and teamwork Strengthens comprehension and fluency Reader’s Notebook Word Study & Grammar KidBiz – nonfiction reading Reading Logs & responses for Independent Reading (nightly) Proficient SRI lexile:

6 Reading Logs Suggested Book Requirement: 25 books– this is a guideline and may be adjusted this school year 1st MP: at least 7 books to meet expectations 2nd through 4th MP: at least 6 books each MP to meet expectations Guidelines for Success: Read at least 15 pages per night Reading Log signed each night by parent Activity completed for each book finished Required genres throughout school year

7 KidBiz! Differentiated online reading comprehension program
Kid-friendly, interesting current event articles Reading and writing activities to boost your child’s comprehension of non-fiction texts 2 Kid Biz assignments weekly 75% success

8 We are Writers! Writing Process Writer’s Notebook Pre-Write Drafting
Students will write daily and learn different strategies to grow as writers Writing Process Writer’s Notebook Pre-Write Drafting Revising Conferencing Editing Publishing Sharing Types of Writing Narratives Descriptive Informational Persuasive Responses Research Papers & Presentations Fiction Letter Writing Poetry Me Magazine (Spring Project)

9 Bridges in Mathematics
EnVision Math Textbook and additional resources online Website: User name: first initial last name ges (no spaces) Ex: jlawallges Password: first initial last initial ID # (no spaces) Ex: jl100234 Explore lessons, vocabulary, and interactive activities We will also be “flipping” some lessons this school year.

10 MORE MATH Always show all work and use pencil in math class
Homework every night WIN time – our goal is to provide support and extension during this period each day (not during recess!) First in Math Assigned Weekly Username and password Math Moments Great math games (compliments of Mrs. Hills)

11 Math Success Tips! Complete math homework every night!
important reinforcement of daily learning Check our class website frequently nightly homework assignments upcoming tests/quizzes Ask questions! for clarification Call a friend Explore site for additional practice and information Ask questions in class

12 Science Inquiry-Based, Hands-On Learning “Microworlds”
Mixtures and Solutions Matter and Elements Ecosystems Questions? Contact:

13 The YBTC Challenge is a fun and innovative academic competition that engages grade 5-8 students in learning about important chemistry concepts, scientific discoveries, and laboratory safety. Challenge competitions are exciting events that take place across the country, encouraging the collaboration of industry members, schools, and community organizations, as together, they educate students about the value of science education and the role of chemistry in their everyday lives

14 Classwork/Assessments
Social Studies Curriculum Native Americans Civics/Government Colonies Exploration American Revolution Classwork/Assessments Collaborative work Discussions/participation Presentations Study Guides/Games for test review Quizzes/Tests Homework – studying for assessments

15 Social Studies Textbook Online
Website: Click “Login” Click on “Go to Online Book” Explore lessons, vocabulary, and interactive activities

16 Research Project – Explorers
Multi-genre question-based research project Stages: Research, Note-taking, Drafting, Compiling, Publishing, Presenting Beginning this fall in Library Google Slides presentation Created during Library class Students will present during CRSD Ed week

17 Other Technology Activities
Chromebook Carts I pad Carts Personal Devices (Nooks, Kindles, I pads, laptops) Please have your child sign the PED permission slip before bringing personal devices to school

18 Attendance Excused Absence:
Any child who is absent from school must present a written excuse signed by the parent or guardian immediately upon his/her return. The note must clearly indicate the reason for absence and must be presented within three school days from the child’s return to school. Please note that a phone call does not excuse your child’s attendance. The school will classify an absence as “excused” for one of the following reasons only: Illness Death in the immediate family Quarantine Exceptionally urgent reasons (will be used only in such unavoidable absences as affect the welfare of the child directly and not for the convenience of the parent) Religious observances WITH prior approval Tutorial work Educational tours or trips WITH prior approval (not to exceed five days per year) Health care

19 Homework Information If a student does not complete homework:
Homework assigned daily and weekly Students record daily in HW assignment book Homework posted on class website If a student does not complete homework: Your child has one day to make it up – please send in a note when you have a special evening planned or any concerns regarding a class assignment. Student will be responsible for completing missed assignment *Homework is Independent Practice – they should be able to complete independently – please let me know if your child is struggling

20 Logging into your CRSD Google Account from Home
Open browser (the browser does NOT have to be Google Chrome) Go to Click “Sign In” button at top right *If blue sign in button is not visible, click on waffle and click on Google Drive to locate sign in button Type in and password (this will be the same password the student uses at school) 5. Click next 6. Click on waffle 7. Click on Google Classroom icon

21 Report Cards Standards-based E= Advanced (Exceeds expectations)
95 – 100% M+= (Strongly Meets expectations) % M= Proficient (Meets expectations) 80 – 89% A= Basic (Approaching expectations) 70 – 70% I= Below Basic (Needs improvement) 69% or lower Accessible thru HAC Additional Criteria Time and Effort Completion of Assignments

22 PSSA Pennsylvania State Standardized Assessment
Reading & Math PSSA 2019 Testing Window: ELA 4/22-26 Math 4/29 – 5/3 Reading: Reading comprehension, critical thinking, inferencing skills, etc. Math: Problem-solving, number concepts, logical reasoning, fractions, measurement Please have your child attend school on these dates!

23  Special Events!  After-School Sports for 5th grade coming soon!
Pick up is at 4:30pm Meals for the Homeless Service Project in late October Classroom Parties (Halloween, Winter Break, Valentine’s Day, Me Mag Celebration, End-of-Year) 2 -3 parents will help with party; others may send in items School Play March Madness Tournament Spring Break 4/15 – 4/19 Running Club – usually April thru June Special Activities – June “Minute to Win It” Kickball Tournament Talent Show - June Suggested Field Trips: Newtown Theatre Arbor Day – usually last Friday in April (Earth Day) Washington’s Crossing (May) Revolutionary Battle Site & colonial living Walking Tour of Newtown (June) – Local colonial history American Revolutionary Museum

24 Questions?

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