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Capital Planning Advisory Group April 11, 2018

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Presentation on theme: "Capital Planning Advisory Group April 11, 2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 Capital Planning Advisory Group April 11, 2018
Each presentation should be summarized with the following: (Plan/Do) Where are we? (Check) What have we been doing that is working? How do we know? (Act) What is not working? (discuss plans to revise or redirect)

2 Agenda Welcoming activity Status update
FY 19 Capital Improvement Plan – Staff Recommendation CPCAG next steps Small group activity FY 19 Capital Improvement Plan discussion and feedback Welcoming activity – Discuss with a shoulder partner what attributes you feel need to be present for a student to feel valued.

3 Capital Planning Community Advisory Group
Roles & Responsibilities Represent various stakeholder perspectives on Capital Improvement Priorities Give feedback on the district’s efforts to create a safe and welcoming environment for all students Provide guidance and input on current and future school design models Evaluate staff proposal for $20M planned FY 2019/20 capital improvement recommendation Connect with other MPS parents, students, school and district staff

4 FY 2019/20 Capital Planning Reduced planned investment for 1-year - $20M improvements Capital Plan Community Advisory Group Input What are the priorities for investment? How does a facility support kids feeling valued? Design standards and gap analysis Maximize or optimize? Emerging priorities Gender neutral bathrooms Adequate support spaces for programs Equitable athletic and physical education facilities across district Flexible learning spaces Performance spaces

5 FY 2018/19 Capital Planning Priorities
Are these the same for FY 2019/20? Modernize Safety & Security Systems Renew existing Facilities Improve Facilities for Culinary & Wellness Air Condition Buildings Planning

6 Current Priorities, Design Standards and Investment needs
Improve Facilities for Culinary & Wellness Renew existing Facilities Kitchen upgrades – schools Lunchroom upgrades – schools $57-116M investment 10-year LTFM plan Year 1 of 3 year update to FCI in process Estimated total deferred maintenance Modernize Safety & Security Systems Air Condition Buildings Co-locate office & entrance – 56 schools Expanded camera coverage – 32 schools Intrusion alarms – schools $108M investment 14 schools $142 – 212M investment Are these priorities still the ones that the board would direct Capital Planning to consider in recommending the FY plan? $38B - $54B across nation of estimated deferred maintenance needs in the nations public schools. We estimate $ M at MPS, with a FCI of 17-26% Council of Great City schools in 2014 summarized in a report on Reversing the Cycle of Deterioration in the Nation’s Public School system, numerous studies that have concluded students in substandard school buildings perform at lower levels than students in newer, functional buildings. Capital improvements have been shown to have a positive impact on student achievement. HVAC / Indoor Air Quality Lighting Acoustics Enrollment vs capacity (overcrowded schools) Teacher satisfaction and retention Student attitudes Modernize Safety & Security Systems - Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) – Natural Surveillance: People are less likely to commit crimes if they feel they are being observed. Natural surveillance involves the designing of features to maximize the visibility of areas that should be observed. Access Control: Limiting and regulating entrances reduces opportunities for crime and allows for more efficient screening of persons entering a facility. Territoriality: The clear delineation of space creates a sense of ownership for legitimate users (staff and students) and creates an environment where intruders are more likely to standout

7 FY 19 Capital Improvement – Staff Proposal
Student safety projects $9,731,588 Power factor correction $200,000 Lunchroom/Kitchen renovations $3,000,000 Condensing summer boilers $510,000 Program improvement allowance $130,000 Small capital funding $1,500,000 North Field $4,228,927

8 FY 2019/20 Planning Timeline Feb 28 Mar 12 Apr 11 May 8 Jun 12
First Advisory Group Meeting Overview & Initial Proposal Second Advisory Group Meeting Receive & discuss feedback Third Advisory Group Meeting Finalize Recommendations Board First Reading Board votes on final plan Feb 28 Mar 12 Apr 11 May 8 Jun 12

9 Additional Process Improvements
Continued work with Capital Planning Community Advisory Group Update Educational Adequacy framework Capital Planning Equity Model for Investments Identify and measure Capital Planning and Construction Management KPI’s

10 FY 2019/20 and Beyond Community Engagement and Equity Considerations core guiding principles Update and maintain 10-year Capital Renewal Plan Propose FY 2019/20 Capital Improvement Transitional Plan Five-Year Capital Plan Informed by Comprehensive Districtwide Assessment

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