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COACH Our Impact on Energy

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Presentation on theme: "COACH Our Impact on Energy"— Presentation transcript:

1 COACH Our Impact on Energy
Name, Position Content by

2 Recruiting people to partake in energy saving
Precontemplation Contemplation Preparation Action Recruiting people to partake in energy saving Maintenance Works to sustain the behaviour change Practices the desired behaviour Intends to take action The change curve Aware of the problem and of the desired behaviour change Unaware of the problem (Gilley, Quatro, Hoekstra, Whittle, & Maycunich, 2001)

3 COACHing deepens the understanding of the system
Teaching how energy savings can be achieved on individual level Materials for energy manager, desk workers and other actors Activate further staff to use the platform and learn about energy saving. Relationships can be build over a long period of time. Easy to pass on small pieces of information Advice can continue Establish relationships of experts and their peers

4 Awareness material Awareness material
Energy saving tips for desk worker Energy saving quizzes Tool conversion for energy manager Checklist of issues for energy manager Energy saving tips for energy manager

5 Collection of a wide range of saving tips Grouped to be utilised by
Energy saving tips Collection of a wide range of saving tips Grouped to be utilised by champions campaign managers energy professionals File: COACH_Documentation_SavingTips-Collection

6 Single sheets with energy efficiency advice in specific circumstances
Energy saving tips Single sheets with energy efficiency advice in specific circumstances For desk workers File: COACH_Presentation_SavingTips

7 Fully-customizable saving tips
Capable of being changed for each individual user English and german version Include in your web-site Change layout to use corporate design printed in various formats (A4, A5) transfer to stickers If you have ideas and layouts, please share with

8 Quizzes tries to improve how energy savings can be achieved
Energy saving quizzes Quizzes tries to improve how energy savings can be achieved 12 sets of online survey questions Lighting Heating and Cooling Cooking Bathroom Kitchen Office Energy Efficiency Renewable Energy Fossil fuel Miscellaneous Electricity consumption and costs emissions

9 part of the public part of the EDI-Net dashboard
Quizzes part of the public part of the EDI-Net dashboard can be easily embedded in the authorities’ web-site Links: PPAs can include them into logon procedures e.g. copy the link for the Lighting quiz include it to your website

10 Every quiz begins with a welcome page
Quiz structure Every quiz begins with a welcome page Between 6 to 8 questions about certain aspects Each question is followed by a brief answer At the end you will see your amount of points

11 Quizzes translate language
Questions are already translated in English, German, Spanish and Catalan all versions are available in parallel If a PPA wish to utilise the facility in a different language copy the English sheet (EN) File: COACH_Quiz_EnergyEfficiency translate word by word in the new sheet Send your file with the translation to EDI-Net EDI-Net will implement translated questions Translations will be made available to all users of EDI-Net

12 Checklist of issues for energy manager
Hand over responsibility Helping to build a community Delegate tasks to energy manager at building level or below Checklist of issues one-time actions frequent checks File: COACH_Checklist_SavingsEnergyManager

13 Tool conversion for energy manager
Documentation of conversion factors realised in a spreadsheet Any energy manager, campaign lead or other can utilise the tool describing current consumption or savings achieved in not physical units volume of oil journeys with the car to the moon and back such as File: COACH_Tool_Conversion

14 Forum Platform for sharing knowledge and observations with the responsible staff in your building

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