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“Without a collective memory, we are nothing and can achieve nothing

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2 “Without a collective memory, we are nothing and can achieve nothing
“Without a collective memory, we are nothing and can achieve nothing. It defines our identity and we use it continuously for education, work and leisure.”

3 “The Internet is the most powerful tool we have had for storing and sharing information since the Gutenberg press, so let’s use it to make the material in Europe’s libraries and archives and museums available to all.”

4 “European cooperation is an obvious necessity in this field: it is about ensuring preservation and access to our common cultural heritage for the future generations.”

5 “Making resources in Europe’s libraries, archives and museums available on the Internet is not straightforward.” different kinds of materials very large volumes fragmented efforts incompatible systems a variety of legal questions


7 Open archives Open access publishing Public domain enrichment Scholarly communications

8 Licensing schemes Traditional terms of use Lock down content Traditional copyright schemes

9 Open archives Open access publishing Public domain enrichment Scholarly communications Licensing schemes Traditional terms of use Lock down content Traditional copyright schemes







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