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18 November 2018 Urban ITS Smart Cities: Urban ITS and the role of connected and autonomous vehicles

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1 18 November 2018 Urban ITS Smart Cities: Urban ITS and the role of connected and autonomous vehicles

2 Urban ITS – starting point
18 November 2018 Urban ITS Urban ITS – starting point Much of the ITS pilot focus in Europe has been on corridors The European Commission decided there was a need to focus more on cities, and the particular role of ITS in Smart Cities Ongoing work since 2010 Part of the legislative framework

3 18 November 2018 Urban ITS What is Urban ITS? DG MOVE did a thorough analysis that ended up with three areas of interest Multimodal Information Systems Traffic Management Urban Logistics

4 Multimodal Information Systems
18 November 2018 Urban ITS Multimodal Information Systems Can be defined as cyberspace support for an end-to-end physical journey Open, standardized data access for all modes under one portal Planning the trip Booking the trip Paying for the trip Access during the trip Changing the trip en route Documenting finished trips

5 Traffic Management “Signal lights on steroids”
18 November 2018 Urban ITS Traffic Management “Signal lights on steroids” Europe is quite fragmented regarding traffic management and signal systems Many/most implementations are proprietary Big push against vendor lock-in Therefore a need to see TM as an integrated system that utilizes the full ITS toolbox In-vehicle signage On-demand routing Individual priority schemes And all needs to be open and standardised

6 Urban Logistics Significant parts of traffic in cities are:
18 November 2018 Urban ITS Urban Logistics Significant parts of traffic in cities are: Vehicles circling around to park Goods delivery waiting for loading bay Open, standardized solutions in cyberspace will alleviate these: Allowing access only to vehicles with parking space (+ booking, route guidance) Loading bay management Intelligent freight transports that combine goods to the same area

7 Standards status: CEN CEN TC278/WG17 Urban ITS
18 November 2018 Urban ITS Standards status: CEN CEN TC278/WG17 Urban ITS The purpose of WG17 is as follows Act as coordination point for Urban ITS standards development under Mandate 546, including Other WGs of CEN TC278 Other CEN TCs ETSI TC ITS Lead Project Teams to progress Urban ITS work items quickly Be the harmonization and consensus forming group for Urban ITS Develop relevant Urban ITS documents Handle international coordination and harmonization (ISO, IEEE) 9 core standards planned for the next 18 months

8 Standards status: ISO ISO TC204 has an active study group
18 November 2018 Urban ITS Standards status: ISO ISO TC204 has an active study group Intelligent Mobility Strong statement of support for the European Urban ITS process High interest to follow European work ISO will act cooperatively and not duplicate work Different/smaller scope than CEN US focus on Mobility on Demand Some other actors focus on Mobility as a Service Work will likely continue as an coordination activity Not likely to become a new ISO WG for now

9 European scene – Mobility as a Service
18 November 2018 Urban ITS European scene – Mobility as a Service Started in Finland A number of companies all over Europe Several alliances Also global presence

10 US Scene: Mobility on Demand
18 November 2018 Urban ITS US Scene: Mobility on Demand Originates from university work Support from USDOT Now also a commercial service New Zealand has MoD: Car sharing service MEVO

11 Connected Automated Vehicles
18 November 2018 Urban ITS Connected Automated Vehicles Very challenging from a technical point of view ISO TC204 is dealing with many aspects of automation WG14 is dealing with testability WG16 is dealing with communications WG18 is dealing with co-operative aspects Connectivity and co-operation is recognized to be essential for full automation Pure autonomy will result in sub-optimal performance

12 18 November 2018 Urban ITS

13 …Thank you for your attention
Some extra resources: 4 July 2016 ITS Station

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