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Presentation on theme: "SOUTHEAST ASIA."— Presentation transcript:


2 KEY TERMS Nguyen Dynasty = Ruling Vietnamese government in early 1800s that tried, unsuccessfully, to halt French imperialism Treaty of Saigon, 1862 = treaty which gave French control over most of southern Vietnam French Indochina = the countries of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia that were taken over by the French in 1880s

3 CAUSES How did this area of Asia become involved in imperialism?
European nations had desired trade with Southeast Asia since Age of Exploration (1500s); spices, sugar, coffee, etc. By 1800, British competing with Dutch for trade in this area; esp. Malaysia & Burma Mid-1800s, France moved into Indochina Most of SE Asia had been under foreign control for centuries, China had occupied Vietnam until 938 AD for instance, and remained influential until French occupation beginning in 19th c.

4 EFFECTS What impact did imperialism have on Southeast Asia?
French and British nations exploited Southeast Asia for its raw materials (rubber, tin, tea, etc) French mistreated Vietnamese farmers, putting them in debt & taking their farms Siam (Thailand) was only area able to maintain independence

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