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Get out your textbook and read and take notes on the topic your name is next to. You will then explain it to the class. Centripetal Force pg. 232 Lara,

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Presentation on theme: "Get out your textbook and read and take notes on the topic your name is next to. You will then explain it to the class. Centripetal Force pg. 232 Lara,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Get out your textbook and read and take notes on the topic your name is next to. You will then explain it to the class. Centripetal Force pg. 232 Lara, Ben B, Alex Centrifugal Force pg. 232 Matias, Major, and Kali Nation-state Pg. 231 Camila, Zaire, Zack White Flight pg. 228 Anusha, Ben M. Blockbusting pg. 228 Julia, Blake Multi-ethnic pg. 232 Tanner, Enrique Multinational pg. 232 Carmen, Danielle

2 Centripetal & Centrifugal Force pg. 232
Nation-state Pg. 231 White Flight pg. 228

3 Blockbusting pg. 228 Multi-ethnic vs. multinational pg. 232

4 Centripetal & Centrifugal Force pg. 232
Attitude that unifies people and enhances support for a state Going towards the center Nationalism is example Diversity of language, culture, ethnicity can pull groups of people apart Nation-state Pg. 231 When an ethnicity becomes a nationality, control a territory, Denmark ethnicity/nationality, Japan State makes it legit country Example of nation but not state: Kurdistan, Taiwan, Palestine White Flight pg. 228 Emigration (leaving) of whites from an area because of black immigration Typical in urban areas (city: Detroit)…creates SUBURBS Blockbusting pg. 228 Used by realtors to get upper class white families to sell houses at low price in order for them re-sale at a higher price Just a few months, all white neighborhoods turn to all black neighborhoods Gentrification: turning low class areas to upper class areas (Boutiques, bookstore, and baristas) Multi-ethnic vs. multinational pg. 232 A state that contains more than one ethnicity is multi-ethnic, they considers themselves to be one nationality, Belgium, speak 2 different languages but both consider themselves Belgian 2 ethnic groups that coexist peacefully, example: UK, england, scotland and wales, different but come together for UK, multi-national can be peaceful or have conflict, largest was USSR

5 Centripetal Force

6 Centripetal Force Brings people TOGETHER.
Centripetal Force is what holds you in when you are riding a roller coaster… it brings you close to the coaster and holds you together with the rest of the riders in the coaster. How is ethnicity a centripetal force in the United States? Centripetal Force

7 Centrifugal Force. Pulls people APART.
Your washing machine is a huge centrifuge. As it spins the water gets thrown out of the clothes and onto the side of the washer where it is drained away. How is ethnicity a centrifugal force in the United States? Centrifugal Force.

8 Ethnic Conflict in South Sudan
Take notes as we look at and read through these sites! Ethnic Conflict in South Sudan

9 Ethnic Case Studies After reading about your ethnic case study, create a poster including the following information. Summary of conflict/issue Key term associated with conflict Annotate a small picture on the map Locate and label on the map the location The Caucasus Region pg The Horn of Africa pg Lebanon pg. 239 South Asia (India & Pakistan) pg. 240 Sri Lanka pg Former Yugoslavia (Bosnia & Kosovo) pg Central Africa (Rwanda) pg Kurds pg. 242

10 Use this picture to sum up the conflict in Lebanon.
Beirut, Lebanon

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