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WWW List # 7 Take notes in notes notebooks

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1 WWW List # 7 Take notes in notes notebooks
Write the stem, meaning, and at least 2 example words

2 Numer - number Numeral Numerous Numerology

3 Fort - strong Fortify Comfort Fortitude

4 Osteo - bone Osteoporosis Osteology Osteopathy

5 Ornith - bird Ornithology Ornithologist Ornithosis

6 Polis - city Metropolis Police Policy

7 Fus - pour Transfusion Infuse Refuse

8 Ego - I Egomaniac Egocentric Alter ego

9 Spir – breathe Respiration Perspiration Expire

10 Dia - across Diagonal Diameter Dialect

11 Acr - sharp Acrid Acrimonious

12 Acro – high, point or tip Acrobat Acropolis Acronym

13 Culp - blame Culprit Exculpate Culpable

14 Derm - skin Dermatologist Hypodermic Ectoderm Endoderm

15 Zo - animal Zoo Protozoa Zodiac

16 Per - through Perception Perforation Percolate

17 Pac - peace Pacifist Pacifier Pacifism

18 Brev - short Abbreviation Brief Brevity

19 Necro - death Necropolis Necro phobia Necrobiosis

20 Urb - city Urban Suburbs Urbanite

21 Pugn - fight Pugnacious Repugnant Pugilist

22 Ecto - outer Ectoderm Ectomorph Ectoparasite

23 Plasto - molded Plastic Dermoplasty Plasticity

24 Agog - leader Demagogue Pedagogue Agogics

25 Cle - small Molecule Follicle Minuscule

26 IL - not Illegal Illiterate Illogical

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