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How to answer the 16 mark importance question

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1 How to answer the 16 mark importance question

2 Learning objective – to be able to improve responses to a 16 mark Importance question.
I can describe key factors. Grade 3 I can explain the significance of key factors. Grade 6 I can explain and assess the degree of significance of key factors. Grade 9

3 Rainbow mark this paragraph, highlighting in different colours the following features – The subject or main point of the paragraph. The key evidence given to support the main point of the paragraph. Links given to the question. The Potsdam Conference was particularly important in the development of the Cold War as it was the first time that relations between America and the Soviet Union were sour. This was largely caused by America revealing that it had successfully detonated the first atomic bomb and the aggressive anti-Communist stance of the new American President, Harry Truman. These factors led to Stalin becoming less open to agreements on such issues as Germany and Poland. This meant that the unresolved issues of Germany and Poland would become sources of confrontation after Potsdam and lead to a deterioration of Cold War relations between East and West.

4 Explain two of the following.
The importance of the Berlin Crisis [1948-9] for the development of the Cold War. The importance of US policy of Containment in the development of the Cold War. The importance of the USSR expansion in Eastern Europe [ ] in the development of the Cold War. [16 marks]

5 Organise the following statements about changes under the following headings – Containment, Berlin Crisis and USSR Expansion. Churchill’s Iron Curtain speech Committed America to European and World affairs Democracy was destroyed in Eastern Europe – much to the West’s dismay. Created Satellite States Led to the creation of NATO and Warsaw Pact Helped to provide economic aid to Western Europe Provided the first victory for Containment Germany divided into East and West. Led to the formation of Comecon and Cominform

6 How did the Norfolk Marriage Plot spark rebellion?
The discovery of the Norfolk marriage plot led to Norfolk being sent to the Tower. The earls of Northumberland and Westmorland feared arrest and decided to launch their planned rebellion anyway. On 8th November, the Earls ordered their tenants to join in with their rebellion to restore Catholicism in England. They marched on Durham Cathedral, expelling James Pilkington and destroying any evidence of Protestantism and held Mass.

7 How was the government able to defeat the Northern Rebellion?
Why did it fail? Earls were poor leaders Unclear aims – replace Elizabeth or just free Mary? Limited support Effective government reaction

8 What was the significance of the Northern Rebellion?
It was the first and most serious rebellious act by English Catholics. The lack of domestic support for the rebels as well as the eventual size of the Royal army demonstrated the popularity of Elizabeth. It led to harsher treatment of English Catholics, such as \the Earl of Huntingdon’s measures in surpressing Catholicism in the north. The revolt encouraged Pope Pius VI to excommunicate Elizabeth. His papal Bull not only excommunicated Elizabeth but also encouraged her assassination. This marked a turning point in the relationship between Elizabeth and Catholics, who now became a greater threat to her.

9 Plenary – a touch of Scrabble
The mystery word that relates to this lesson is worth 12 points ..... Using the Scrabble score card, can you work out which word it is?

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