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HW2 VB .Net Loan Payment Due in class Friday 22 November

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1 HW2 VB .Net Loan Payment Due in class Friday 22 November
IS3001 George Zolla Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA

2 HW2 Requirements 1. Write a VB .Net project that calculates the monthly payment of a loan. The program will allow the user to input values for the amount of the loan, the annual interest rate, and the length of the loan. The program will perform the calculation and then display the results to the user. 11/18/2018

3 HW2 Requirements 2. Use the conventions recommended in the text and the guidance and requirements contained in the Project Evaluation Sheet including project submission instructions. Plus: Use meaningful names for controls, variables and the form Pay particular attention to the data types used. Ensure the Tab Sequence mirrors the user input sequence. Use Default and Cancel buttons Use colors and images to enhance the visual effectiveness of the project. 11/18/2018

4 HW2 Requirements 3. The Payment function on pages 557 & 558 may be used to calculate the monthly payment: Pmt(dblMonthlyRate, dblMonths, dblAmount) 4. You must convert the user's textbox input from text to the data type double: CDbl(ExpressiontoConvert)  'Convert to Double 5. Format the results with the FormatCurrency function found on page 114. 11/18/2018

5 HW2 Requirements 6. The following formulas may be used in your solution: dblMonthlyRate = CDbl(txtRate.Text) /1200 dblMonths = CDbl(txtYears.Text) * 12 dblAmount = CDbl(txtAmount.Text) lblMonthlyPayment.Text = - Pmt(dblMonthlyRate, dblMonths, dblAmount) Note: I divided the Monthly rate by "1200" vice "12“ to allow the user to enter a whole number (i.e 7.0 vice .07). You need a minus sign before the Pmt function to make a positive answer. 11/18/2018

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