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Poverty in Developing Countries

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1 Poverty in Developing Countries
By: Coley Swegheimer

2 Introduction With over three billion people (half of the world) living on less than $2.50 a day, how can such a major problem be ignored and forgotten about in the today’s society? Causes: Media not presenting systemic poverty (not a happy ending or a crisis) Media publishes articles that encourage consumption (billionaires)

3 Issue at a Closer Look and Leadership
People are not educated, therefore leaders need to step up. Leaders must learn how to see an issue and then apply a plausible solution utilizing: Servant leadership- (serving selflessly & putting others needs before your own) Realizing that poverty can not be solved overnight. Therefore, steps should include looking at a specific community’s need or needs. Rather than just sending money or gifts (intensifies issues), but truly looking at the roots of issues.

4 Leaders Taking Action Brad and Christina from my church started Faith Project International in Guatemala. Saw a problem with eye issues and respiratory problems with women cooking over open flames, came up with the solution of building stoves and ventilating out the smoke. Defining Characteristics: Determined- Have two kids and even though Christina was pregnant they spent the summer there. Selfless- spend the entire summer, even though Brad owns multiple businesses. Creating Interpersonal Relationships- Building community with the people around them. Saw these characteristics when serving on a mission trip summer of 2015.

5 Pictures from Guatemala

6 Pictures (continued)

7 Conclusions with Christian Leadership in this Issue
Mark 10:45 “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Stop manipulating power in order to create a certain “image” Stop getting caught in the Christian bubble (act on God’s word and his call for your life) Even if you are not planning on serving as a missionary overseas, you can still impact others by reaching out to the least of these and educating others on systemic poverty.

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