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Digital Divide and PingER

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Divide and PingER"— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Divide and PingER
Presented by Les Cottrell at the ICFA/SCIC meeting, July Partially funded by DOE/MICS Field Work Proposal on Internet End-to-end Performance Monitoring (IEPM), also supported by IUPAP

2 PingER Benefits Measures analyzes & reports round-trip times, losses, availability, throughput ... Low impact on network << 100bits/s, important for many DD sites Covers 75+ countries (99% of Internet connected population) Provide historical and near real-time quantitative information Aggregate by regions, affiliations etc. How bad is performance to various regions? Trends: who is catching up, falling behind? Compare vs. economic, financial indicators etc. Use for trouble shooting setting expectations, presenting to funding bodies

3 Collaborations & Funding
35+ monitoring sites in 15 countries Plan to add ICTP Trieste if funded SLAC with help from FNAL Digital Divide collaboration (MOU) with ICTP, Trieste eJDS They are looking for a EU grant for eJDS and PingER Tried earlier this year, but too late Hopeful next year Also looking for small grants for helpers in developing countries Possibilities:

4 More Information PingER: eJDS eJDS ICFA/SCIC Network Monitoring report, Jan03

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